Chapter 6

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Levy took a seat by a table with all her friends, resting down her tray of food. "Hey Levy, where's Lucy?" Erza asked, raising a brow. "Oh she said she'll be here in a sec" "Oh..I wonder what she's doing.." Erza mumbled "Oh well Natsu is in the classroom with her so I think they're talking or something"

"Or they just want to have some time alone" a long black hair teen chuckled, his sharp red eyes landing on Levy who scoffed "No they're probably sorting things out" she said. "Yeah...probably" Gray said with the roll of his eyes, annoyed that Juvia kept hugging him "Do I look like your teddy bear?" "Yes..." Juvia squealed.

" do you find you did in Maths test yesterday?" Levy asked Erza "I did great, I know that for sure" Erza smiled "You always do great Erza" the boy besides her said making her blush a bit "Uh thanks Jellal.." the dark blue hair teen just smiled. "Tch, I bet I did better than Erza" Gajeel said, sipping his drink.

"Ha, in your dreams wish you could do better than me" Erza said, a big grin her face. "Tch..I probably got in my 70s.." he said "I does get in my 80s.." Erza boasted then turned to Jellal "How much do you get in Maths, your percentage?" " the same as you I think.." he said.

"What about you Gray?" Levy asked "Hm..probably around Erza's score" "And me too" Juvia said, squeezing Gray tighter so he choked.

"Well stuff luck because I always get in my late 90s like...97 and up" "But Lucy gets higher, she got 99 last time" Levy's jaws dropped "What?! that can't be true was I there?!" "You're not the only one who's smart shorty" Gajeel said, taking her sandwich off her plate and sniffing it.

"Hey that's mine!" Levy yelled "Ew gross...I smell vegetables..yuck" he dropped the sandwich back on her plate and Levy sighed "I hope you wash your hands.." she mumbled. "Nope" Gajeel grinned.


"Mm.." he broke part again and stared at her "You forgive me?" "Yes.." Natsu softly smiled "Great because I hate it when you're angry at me..I just...hate it.." "And I hate it when you lie to me..all the you're hiding something" "I'm not hiding anything Luce, I'm not" "How can I trust you again?" she asked.

"How can you trust me?" he asked and she nodded "Yeah, I lost all my trust for you a long time ago because-" "I kept lying.." " am I so sure you're not going to lie again? hm?" he looked at her then at the floor, thinking.

"Hmm.." he hummed.

"I don't know.." he finally said then watched her "but I want to make it up to you...I want to take you out" "When?" she asked "Today..later on today, we can go in the beach" "The beach?.." she asked and he nodded "Let's spend some time together, we hadn't spend time together for the past month and I want to get to know you more as a girlfriend.."

Lucy softly smiled "So..what do you say..the beach?" he raised a brow in question. "Sure.." Lucy grinned "the beach.." "Now that's my girl.." he leaned forward and captured her lips again.


"...The beach?" Layla asked, eyeing her daughter who packed a bag "Yeah, isn't it great?" Lucy asked her mother, throwing over a black silky dress over her bikini. "He's totally making up for the fight" Lucy smiled.

"And you guys already talked about the lying thing?" Layla raised a brow "Well...yeah, he told me he won't lie again and he wants me to start trusting him again so...that's why he want to take me out on the beach" Lucy explained, combing her hair up in a messy bun.

"Oh..okay.." Layla slowly nodded then they heard a car's engine running outside and the sound of a horn. "Oh, he's here!" Lucy said, quickly picking up her bag and running towards her worried mother "You be careful okay?" Layla asked, giving her daughter a hug. "Okay mom..I'll be back in a few.." "What's a few?" Lucy chuckled "In a while mom" they broke the hug and Lucy quickly ran off "Tell Natsu I said hi" "Okay!"

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