Chapter 33: Her

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"Am I interrupting your busy- Paper Party? "

I chuckled at her choice of words. "No, please, interrupt away, I really need a break." I told her as I put the picture back to its rightful place.

Cat walked towards me and slowly sat on my lap. I instantly wrapped my arms around her waist as I breathed in her in-toxic scent.

I felt her shirt her head as she looked at me.

"I know what would make you feel better." I looked up at her and saw a mischievous look in her eyes. I felt a smile slowly creep onto my face as she said those two words.

"Prank Time!" She jumped off my lap and started bouncing everywhere. She suddenly stopped and turned towards me.

She glared at me and I raised an eyebrow at her. "Why aren't you jumping? Jump peasant! Or your Queen of Pranks shall execute you!" She said with a British accent.

I burst out laughing while bowing to her and started jumping with her.

She grabbed my hand and started skipping out the office.

"We're off to pull pranks, on people who deserve it. Because, because, because, because, becauseeeee, because of how much fun it does!" She sang to the rhythm of 'We're off to see the Wizard' from The Wizard of Oz.

I shook my head as I laughed at my adorable mate.

She went to the room and put her figure to her mouth in a shushing motion.

She went into the closet and I moved my head to the side to see what she was doing. She turned her head to glare at me, signaling me to turn around.

I sighed as I slowly turned around. I heard her moving things and then a bunch of materials crashing into each other. I was tempted to turn back around, but I knew she would have my head if I do.

Finally, after her rummaging through whatever it is, she put it back. She stood next to me, looked at me, then walked towards the bed. I soon followed suit and sat down. I examined the materials.

•Silly string
•Air horn
•Duct Tape

I gave her a weird look. How are these supposed to make a prank?

She rolled her eyes at me. "Just grab the gear. Meet me at Skylar and Travis's room."

With that said she turned towards the door and strutted away. I gaped at her retreating figure. What the hell is she planning?

I grabbed a duffel bag and put the materials inside and walked to Skylar and Travis's room. I waited for about 10 minutes before she finally decided to show up. I looked at what she was holding and saw that she had a skateboard and a few water balloons.

"Can you grab the rest of the water balloons? They're outside. I couldn't hold everything." She said giving me a sheepish grin.


I went out of the room and my eyes widened. What is she going to do with all these balloons? There have to be at least 200 balloons in total.

I grabbed the huge bucket of balloons and walked back into the room. I put the bucket towards the middle of the room and stood up straight. I looked at Cat and saw her struggling to do something that was too high for her to reach.

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