Chapter 20

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~Ashley's POV~

Today was when i went to get an ultrasound. I am so nervous. what if it isn't healthy. Or not Matt's? Ugh, I can't believe it might not be his. I mean, I love Matt so freaking much. But before we dated, I did some things I can't forget. And people took advantage. I sighed and walked in the hospital with Matt beside me. "Hello, Ashley-Marie?" "Yes, i am here for an ultrasound!" I said so nervous. "Okay room 127 down the hall" "Thanks" Matt said and took my hand and we walked off. "Hello, Ashley! And I'm guessing Matt?" "Hi" I said and he gestured me to sit in the seat, (chair thing idk what it's called) "Okay now this cream is cold so brace yourself!" The doctor said and we all laughed, he probably could tell that we were nervous. - Time skip to when he was done- "Ashley, can i talk to you alone please?" Matt nodded and

walked out of the room. "Ashley, you child is a girl! But there is some bad news. She has trouble breathing. And we wondered if you smoked?" "No I've never smoked before" I said about to cry. "Okay well please take it easy, she has a little trouble breathing and we are worried that she might get really sick" "Ok thank you" I said and a tear fell down my face as

i walked out of the room. I saw Matt, how do i tell him? "Matt, first off it's a girl!" "Omg really?!!" "Yeah, but I need to tell you something Matt" i said, my smile faded and a tear fell warm on my cheek. "She is having trouble breathing" i said and he looked down and a tear slipped out of his eyes. I hugged him. "Matt its going to be fine" i said trying to comfort her. "Listen if she dies, I wont be able to live knowing that i did it!" He said and sat down. I pulled a chair and put it in front of him and sat down. "listen Ashley, when i was born i almost died. I had breathing problems and i was really sick. What if she is to. SHE COULD DIE AND IT'S MY FAULT" "Matt listen to me. Nothing is your fault never think that Ok?" He sat there and nodded. We got up and drove home we didn't say a word.

~Mitch's POV~

When the night was over i went home and recorded a little bit of hunger games. Maybe 2-3 rounds? It would be a video or two at least, so i have a few days off. I called Jerome, I an so bored let's see if he picks up this time! "Hey Mitch!" "Hi Jerome! I was wondering if you wanted to come over?" "Yeah sure be there soon!" At the time he was in his grandmas house who moved here. She got sick and is recovering so just in case Jerome looks after her. He is so freaking cute, and would make an amazing husband. The door bell rang and I answered it. "Hey Jer-.. Oh sorry i thought you were Jerome" I said and felt embarrassed. "Hi I'm-"

cut off, sorry it was kinda all Matt and Ashley, but i need a new character to be either Mitch's ex or Jerome's ex. DM me or comment thanks :)

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