Chapter 19

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~Rain's POV~

I woke up and Preston wasn't there. No wonder i felt cold. "Preston, you there" I said and walked to the 'kitchen' of our room. "Oh hi Rain" Preston is cooking breakfast! "You cooking? You never did that" i said and wrapped my arms around him. "Well, i wanted to celebrate today, the first day of us being engaged" "Aw Preston your so sweet. Omg shit!" I said and grabbed my phone. "What's wrong Rain?"Preston said and walked up to me with a plate of food. "It's my other sister's birthday today, Shayliee. Sorry i never told you about her but, we grew apart and our idk, vow was that anyone of our birthday's we have to call no matter what" "Oh Rain i'm glad you remembered" Preston said and someone answered the phone. (Rain=R Shayliee=S) R: Hey Shayliee, Happy Birthday! S: Thanks Rain, but you know it's like 3:00am here right? R:Oh sorry, i forgot i'm somewhere else. So how you doing? anything new? Any new boys in your life S: Funny you asked i might someone last night his name is Jason, and were going out! R: That's good! I'm so happy S: How about you? R: Yeah actually his name is Preston and well we are engaged S: OMG REALLY!! that's amazing i better be at the wedding! R:Way ahead you are one of my brides mates!! Any way got to go eat! We will talk for the invite! S:okay bye! I walked in the kitchen and saw Preston waiting for me with a smile. "Hi Preston" "Hey Rain" "So Preston, why you smiling?" "Because Rain i heard your conversation. SHE'S A BRIDES MATE!!!" "Yes, geez come down now" "Haha come on let's eat" We ate all of the food Preston made and got dresses to go all around Paris for our last day here.

~Shayliee's POV~

(time skip to 3:00pm) Mitch called. That was awkward. He tolled me that he was moving here and that he is friends with Jason and Adam and that him and Rain are very close. Well i guess i will be seeing him soon. After i got ready, that took like an hour, to get the perfect outfit for Jason, I heard someone knock on the door. "Jason hi" "Hi Shayliee you look amazing" "Thanks so do you" "Ready to go?" "Yeah come on" We walked to his car and he opened the door for me and i smiled. "Thanks Jason" "No problem Shayliee" It was a little awkward because we didn't really talk, but it was nice silence until my fat mouth opened. "So Jason, how's living on YouTube? Like is it fun?" "Yeah it's awesome. You get to do something you love and get payed for it!" "Cool" "What do you do Shayliee?" "Oh I take pictures, a photographer really" "That's cool, do you travel alot?" "Sometimes, when i have a client across the world. But i love traveling, it's really interesting seeing all the cultures" Jason stopped the car in front of a really fancy restaurant that i didn't really know. He got out and ran around the car and opened it. "Wow, you really are a gentle man" I said and we smiled. We got to the restaurant and sat down in a booth, why? It was just us. "Jason why are we in a booth?" "Because I invited some other people to come so you could meet them and catch up" He said and grabbed my hands. "Wait catch up?! You invited Mitch?" "Yeah I hope you don't mind" I sighed and looked at Jason. "You know most first dates are just two people. But, it's really sweet that you invited Mitch for me. Thanks" "No problem Shayliee" He said and we kissed over the table. Then Mitch, I'm guessing Jerome, Adam and someone else walked in. And they sat down, it was quiet for a while then Mitch had to speak up. "Hi Shay" Mitch said and I got up and hugged him. "Don't call me Shay, you of all people know that" I said and sat down next to Jason and took his hand. I was so nervous, and Jason could tell. "Guys this is Shayliee, Shayliee this is Jerome, Ty, Adam and Mitch" "Hi guys" I said and waved and shook their hands. "So Shayliee, you Jason's new girlfriend huh?" Ty asked me and i smiled. "Yeah Ty right?" He nodded. "Cool, so Jason and Shayliee, how cute" Jerome said and we all laughed. "Oh Shayliee I got you something" Mitch said and pulled out a gift. "You didn't have to" i said and he put the gift in front of me. "Why did you get her a gift?" Adam said and looked at Mitch. "Because it's her birthday today!" He said and i opened the gift and saw a beautiful bracelet. It was a charm bracelet with the number 20 on it. "Thanks Mitch" "No problem and it's from Rain to, she chose it and we split the money so you can thank her to when she comes back tomorrow" "Right, do you know when the wedding is?" I asked and everyone looked shocked. "Was i not supposed to say?" I said looking at Mitch. "No they just don't know" "Don't know what?" Jason said and turned to me. "Preston and Rain are engaged!" "Omg that's amazing!" Jerome said and the waiter came over.

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