Chapter 5

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~Rain's POV~

I walked back to my room and sat down on my bed. I opened my drawer filled with clothes I chose some black skinny jeans and a fancy shirt; it was a gold v neck with designs on the front. I started doing my make up (I won't write it for the boys sake). I was almost done when Mitch came in my room almost making me mess up my mascara. "God Mitch don't do that" "what are you doing?' He asked but I knew he was messing around with me. "Oh I don't know making a space ship, what does it look like?" "Haha very funny Rain, they just came in in the living room!" "Okay I'll be down in a sec! Tell anyone and I will kill you Mitchell." I warned him. He walked down the stars and not long after did I too. "Okay everyone, this is my sister Lucy, but call her Rain okay?" I wanted to punch him so bad for saying my name was Lucy. "Hi" I said sitting down nervously next to Preston, it was the only seat and I knew why. Mitch. "Hi I'm Preston" I turned around shook his hand and said I already knew who he was. "Big fan huh?" He said to me smiling. "Yeah" I said blushing a little. "Well I'm Ashley, this is Mat, and Rob" Ashley said and I looked over to see them waving. "Hi I'm Rain" I said nervously. "So what do you guys wanna do?" I heard Jerome say. "How about a movie and popcorn?" Mitch no why would you say that. I thought to myself. "I'll go and get some blankets to" Jerome said winking at me with a smile. Oh no, why did he do that? What is he going to do? Mitch came back with the popcorn Ashley put on the movie I don't even know what it is yet, and Jerome walked in with blankets he handed Mat one Rob one Ashley one Mitch one and gave himself one. He got to Preston and I and I was frightened of what I saw. "I hope you don't mind but you two will have to share one if you guys want warmth. "Ok" I heard Preston say. Jerome walked away and he started talking to me. "Um Rain, I don't mind sharing do you?" he asked and I mentally freaked out. "yeah its fine" we both smiled and pulled over the blanket. You don't know how much I want to cuddle with him right now. Maybe this was a mistake, but I'm freezing in here. I turned to look at the thermometer. Really Jerome 3 degrees??!?! I looked at Jerome and gave him the death stair, I guess he felt it because he looked at me and smiled.

~Preston's POV~

While Rain and I were sat there together I just thought to myself not paying any attention to the movie. I kind of like her, I mean who wouldn't. She has perfect straight, long golden brown hair, the cutest glasses and a memorizing smile. I couldn't help but stair at her hazel green eyes, with a hint of gold. I've never seen this before. I may as well talk to her because we were so far away that no one could hear us, plus the movie was loud. But what would I say, what if I forgot English and blanked out? I would never get a chance with her if I did that. "Hey, Rain" I said nervously as she turned to look at me. "Yeah Preston?" "Would you maybe want to go out some time?" I asked her hoping for the best and that I didn't just ruin our friendship. "Sure, I would love to". YES I just got the most beautiful girl ever to go out with me, how don't really know. We both smiled and she held my hand making me blush a little but it soon faded away. The movie was soon over and I was looking at Rain, still amazed at how beautiful she was. She got up to use the washroom, Mitch right after her, weird, like sister like brother.

~Rain's POV~

"Mitch what are you doing?" I said confused as he followed me to the bathroom. "So Rain, how'd it go?" "How did what go?" I said teasing him. "How did it go with you are Preston?" he begged me to answer. "I'm not saying if anything happened or not. Unless you tell me something about you and Jerome" I think he knows where I'm going with this. "Okay, what do you want to know Rain?" I snickered at the thought of what I had. "Did you and Jerome have sex?" I laughed couldn't hold it anymore. "Really Rain" Mitch looked at me like he was going to kill me. "You want to know what happen or if anything did happen, than answer" "Okay fine, no we didn't but we were close to at a point" "Was that so hard Mitch?" I smiled. "Okay your turn Rain." "You wanted to know ssooooo bad, but yes Preston asked me out and I said yes." He smiled at started hugging me. "Really Rain, I'm so happy for you" I smiled "Really Mitch, and say thanks to Jerome for me. By the way do not harass my knew boyfriend with questions, and don't embarrass him telling everyone, or I will tell them that you and Jerome almost had sex." "You sneaky girl." Mitch said as I went to the bathroom.

So I will post one more tonight. Enjoy

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