Chapter 17

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~Preston's POV~

Rain and I walked in our room and i saw a gift. I looked t Rain and she looked confused to. "Hey Rain its from Mitch and Jerome" "Really? That's weird let me see" "Here" i handed the gift to Rain and she read aloud. "To Rain and Preston, the happy married couple!! How do we know because Rain would never say no. See you guys soon!" "Wow. Thats so nice" and i opened the gift with Rain. "Coffee mugs huh?" Rain said and looked at me. "Well do you want any?" i asked and took the mugs from her hands. "Yeah sure! And how did you know i was DYING for a coffee?" "I guessed" i said and turned on the coffee machine. "So the plain leaves tomorrow, at around 1" "Okay but i want to go and see some stuff around Paris, so let's wake up early k?" "Okay hunny!" i said and we both laughed. "But one promise" Rain said and i poured the coffee in her cup. "Okay what is is Rain?" "Never say 'hunny' again" "Deal, as long as you don't call me babe" "Sure" She said and we both smiled then kissed. We finished our coffee and got into bed, turned on the TV and laid down. "We should be getting to bed if we are going to wake up early" i said and kissed Rain on the head. "Okay, night Preston Love you" "Love you to" i said and she fell asleep on me.

~Shayliee's POV~ (Hope i got the name right) It was so late. Around 1:00am and i am so bored. I looked out my window and saw a boy. Brown hair, brown eyes, a hat on and really cute clothes. Wow, i wish i could meet him. I starred at him for a while and he saw me. I ducked down and the door bell rang. Oh God, it's him. I opened the door and i felt me blush. "Hello, i'm Shayliee!" i said and shook his hand. "I'm Jason, nice to meet you!" "You wanna come in?" i said, oh gosh i am so nervous, he has the perfect smile. "Yeah sure" Yes! I actually have a chance to know him! "So do you live around here? I haven't really seen you often" "Yeah i just moved here with a friend" "Cool, but why were out so late?" i said looking in his eyes. His eyes made me melt. "Because i was going to take out the trash, then i turned and uh, saw you looking at me" I was blushing at this point, he saw me!! How? "Oh sorry i just heard a noise and saw you out there" i said and looked away, my stomach felt like it had a million butterfly's in it. "Oh well its nice meeting you. Do you wanna come over and meet Adam? My friend." "Yeah sure, sounds good!"

~Jason's POV~

We walked over to our house and we walked in the door. "HEY ADAM MEET MY FRINED SHAYLIEE!!" I said yelling across our house. Adam came running down the stairs and looked at her. "Oh hi I'm Adam nice to meet you! Are you Jason's girlfriend?" Adam asked and me and Shayliee blushed. "No stupid, when i said friend i meant friend!" Shayliee shook his hand and we went to the living room. "So Shayliee where do you live?" Adam asked and she looked at him. " Right across the street, number 4!" She said and turned back to me and smiled. "Oh cool a new neighbor that JASON LIKES!" Adam said and got up so did i. "ADAM YOUR DEAD!!!! SHE IS JUST MY FRIEND!!!" i said chasing him around the house until we got to his room and he locked the door. "Your lucky Shayliee is over i would've killed you!" I said walked down the stairs, almost out of breath. "Sorry about Adam" I said sitting down next to her. "It's fine really i don't mind" She said and we both looked each other in the eyes. I moved closer to her and we were about to kiss until Adam happened.

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