Chapter 12

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~Preston's POV~ Rain and i walked to the couch and sat down. "Hey Preston, what movie do you want to watch?" "Um what ever you want" i said smiling. She chose the avengers because we weren't paying any attention the first time. She pulled a blanket over us and she put her head on my chest and i wrapped my arms around her waist pulling he closer. I smiled and looked at her, so beautiful. "Hey Preston?" "Yes my beautiful?" she blushed when i said that. She didn't answer for a while so i looked at her and she kissed me. At first i was shocked but then kissed her back and once we ran out of air she rested her head against me again. I loved her so much. Which reminds me, i have to talk to Mitch about something once this movie is done and Rain wen't to bed.

~Mitch's POV~

"Hey Jerome look" i said pointing at Preston and Rain. There hands were in Preston's pocket and Rain's head was on his shoulder. "Awe" Jerome said looking at me. "Okay look, they are going to watch a movie so don't interrupt them Rain asked me not to earlier. "Okay" Jerome said and we

headed to the kitchen. "Hey you wanna make something?" Jerome asked "Yeah but first i need to talk to you about Preston and Rain." i said and we sat down. "Sure but why?" Jerome said confused. "Listen i talked to Rain and they didnt do it, but they were about to and she told Preston that she was sorry but she couldn't do it. Preston took it really well and made her calm down about it!" "ok but why did you tell me?" Jerome said still pretty confused. "Because, she told me that Preston was the best thing that ever happened to her and he actually got her to calm down and made her feel safe." "Wow, I didn't know they were that serious" Jerome said and got up to get some pans out. "Yeah i know" "LETS BAKE" Jerome said and pulled out some pans. "ok how about this, lets have a cook off!" i said raising my hands. "Okay but i will win" "Wait Mitch who is the judge?" "We'll have Preston to because Rain will cheat" I said and Jerome nodded. After about an hour Preston and Rain's movie just finished. "YO PRESTON COME INHERE!" i said and he ran in. "Do you wanna judge these?" Jerome said and Preston nodded and sat down. Rain walked in and smiled and so did Preston. "Hey my two favorite people, and my boyfriend!" She said and Preston smiled. "Can you not" i said and we all laughed. "So what are you guys doing?" Rain asked and sat down next to Preston. "We had a cook off and Preston is our judge because you would just cheat and choose Mitch over me" "You sure?" she said laughing. We handed the food to Preston and he ate then both. "I like Mitch's dish better" He said and I got up dancing. "You hacked!" Jerome said mad, but not in a serious way. We all laughed then went to bed.

~Preston's POV(sorry for all the POV changes)

I slowly came out of Rain's bed and walked quietly to Mitch's room and knocked. "Come in!" I walked in and saw Mitch confused. "Mitch can i ask you something?" "Yeah sure let's go in the living room and talk" (Jerome wasn't awake btw) "Okay so what did you want to talk about Preston?" "Mitch, can I have your blessing of asking Rain to marry me?" "OMG YES" Mitch said excitingly and hugged me. "Thanks" i said, i felt like i was walking on clouds knowing that i could ask her. "So when are you doing it and where?" "I want to ask her to go on a trip with me to Paris, and i will ask her there" "Thats perfect Preston she will love it" Mitch said and we smiled. "Tomorrow can you come with me to pick a ring" "Of course" "Thanks. And Mitch tell Rain that we are going to pick up some food if she asks ok!" "Sure" Mitch said and we walked up to our rooms. I slipped back in to bed and Rain was awake. "Hey Preston. Where did you go?" "To talk to someone" "Who" Rain said confused. "Don't worry about it" And i kissed her on the head and she fell asleep on my chest. "I love you Rain" i said and fell asleep soon after.

Tomorrow i have school :/ so i will only post one or two chapters. Enjoy

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