Chapter 10

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~Jerome's POV~

I never expected Rain to love Preston that much. I knew she likes him but to go that far with him. Wow I didn't even notice. I should pay more attention. "Hey Mitch and Rain!" I said and Preston waved. "So what did you to talk about?" Rain asked Preston and I heard him say that he would tell her later. "So for your date what do you guys want to eat?" I asked them. Now this was going to be an amazing meal, with my Italian back ground and Mitch's Canadian. It will be so good. "Um Preston what have you never tried before?" "A Poutine?" He said not knowing if thats what she meant. "Okay then chef Jerome, chef Mitch make two large poutines and we will go get ready!" Rain said grabbing Preston's hand and walking up the stairs. "Okay Mitch LEZZGOO!!" "I'll teach you how to make one! Ok Jerome?" "Yeah sure." About 30 minutes later the poutines were done and Preston walked down the stairs. "Hey guys!" He said walking closer to us. "Hi Preston you two ready?" Mitch asked looking around Preston for Rain. "No Rain is doing her makeup" "Oh great that will take her forever!" Mitch said and we laughed. " I heard a door opening and Mitch, Preston and I turned our heads to see Rain.

~Preston's POV~

I turned and saw Rain there. Omg she is beautiful. Her gorgeous golden brown hair falling past her shoulders, her smile as white as pearls, he dress was a short, black one with beads on the end. "You look so beautiful Rain" I said as she came down the stairs blushing. "And you look very handsome" She said. I was wearing a suit. I took her hand and we walked over to out seats. the kitchen table. ((LOL)) "Best seats in the house" I said and we both laughed. A few minutes later Jerome and Mitch came out and Mitch said something weird in french. "Bonjour mon nom est Mitch, il s'agit de jerome et aujourd'hui nous avons les poutines spécial grand profiter!" He said Rain understood and laughed. Then Jerome said it in english. YES SWEET ENGLISH I thought. "He said: Hello my name is Mitch this is Jerome and today we have the special poutines, large enjoy!" "Thanks Jerome!" i said and we all laughed. I grabbed her hand and we started eating. We really just talked about Jerome and Mitch and how they were dropping out. "So did Mitch tell you?" I asked her quietly so Jerome and Mitch wouldn't hear. "Yeah he did" "I'm so happy for them i can't believe they are going to move in together!!" I said so excited. "what do you mean move in?" Rain said with confusion. I let go of her hand "Oh yeah I forgot you talked to Mitch, Ok keep this secret. Jerome told me he was going to ask Mitch to move in!" I said and she smiled. "Now Rain, I told you something you tell me something!" I said she looked at me. "Really Preston?!" "Hey I only learn from the best" I say pointing at her. And we both laughed. "Fine, fine. Before you came here I liked you for about 6 months. Even with out meeting you" She said and we both blushed. "Awe, I find that so cute" I said and took her hand again. "Come on lets go thank them!" She said and we got up and she winked at me.

Well I will try and do one more tonight. I was at the mall with my dumb sister she made me go and hold her things! Ugh i hate shopping, but at least i got to write 3 chapters. Enjoy

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