Chapter 18

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~Mitch's POV~

"Hey Jerome, do you think that they got there gift?" "Idk Mitch call them" I picked up my phone and dialed Preston's number. No answer. "Um he didn't answer" I said to Jerome and he smiled. "Well, i think i know what they're doing" "Really Jerome? Its probably like 7:00am there they are most likely sleeping" "Ok ok Mitch I'm just kidding" "Ok whatever its getting late here to wanna go to sleep?" "Ok Mitch come on!" "Oh Crap!" "What's wrong Mitch?" Jerome said and held my hand looking in my eyes. "It's my sister's birthday tomorrow" i said and my smile faded remembering her. "Rain's birthday is tomorrow?" "No i have another sister, Shayliee. She is a year younger than me. And we kind of both grew apart" "Oh Mitch why didn't you tell me?" Jerome said turning me around facing him. "I don't know it didn't come across to me, i guess i just remember her birthday since i have known her my whole life" "Ok Mitch, come one get some sleep call her tomorrow ok?" "Okay Jerome night, and thanks" "No problem my Benja" And we went to sleep.

~Shayliee's POV~

Jason and I were blushing because Adam cane down the stairs, great. "So Jason, just friends huh?" Adam said smiling and sitting down. "Yeah she had an eye lash in her eye so she needed help" Jason lied and i instantly replied. "Yeah it hurt really badly" I said and my hands where shaking, i don't really lie that much and i hated it but oh well. "Okay, fine don't tell me!" Adam said and stormed out, not serious though more like just kidding around way. "Um so now what?" Jason asked and turned to me. "Well" I said and kisses him. I saw fireworks all around me and i knew that i really liked Jason. "Shayliee, would you like to go out with me?" "Oh course Jason" i said and we smiled then walked back to my place holding hands. "You wanna go around the block?" I said and he nodded. "So Shayliee, do you have any brothers or sisters?" Oh yeah Rain and Mitch.. maybe he remembered my birthday tomorrow. "Yeah a sister named Lucy but she goes by Rain, don't ask. And a brother names Mitch" I said and frowned thinking of Mitch and how we just grew apart. "Wait Mitch as in BajanCanadian?!""Yeah how did you know Jason?" i asked him and we stopped. "Oh were friends, but he never told us that he had sisters" "Well Jason, Mitch and I just grew apart we really don't see each other much" "Well you will because him and Jerome are moving in with us soon!" I looked at Jason and he was serious about that. "WHAT?!? Are you kidding I came here to get away from Mitch" I said and sat down on a curb in front of my house. "Oh well maybe it's good that he is coming here, you guts need to talk" "Well i'm sure he'll call me tomorrow it's my birthday and he always calls and I always call him. I don't know, a birthday is something you can't forget when you lived with that person for all your life" "Yeah true. Anyway, this is your house, so i guess i'll see you tomorrow!" He said and walked away waving. "WAIT JASON!!" i said running up to him. "When are you picking me up?" "Around 6:00pm. Bye" And we kissed again and i walked to my house.

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