Looking around I saw a mark of a violet flower

And that is for rank violets.

Walking there I sat at the last seat by the peak of the mountain like chairs.

It's open air it'd kinda cool.

Looking at the center were a guy was standing holding a Microphone

"Hello student welcome here at the GUILD EXPO we're you can find your place here in Fantalia Academy."

Then the crowd cheers.

I notice something black and white so I look straight and was set with formal quite students looking straight at the person in the middle.

The atmosphere in there seems to be really mysterious.

At the Fallen Section side which are dark users they are really quite and have dark auras while the Light users are serious most of then have eyeglasses and they really have serious faces while the dark have mischief yet serious type persona.

Right I almost forgot there is this person. The only person who don't join the harem of the heroin and the only person who didn't fall in love.


"Everyone please go the Battle field "

Then he disappear.

According to this game.... The heroin is going to join the 'Protector of Justice' guild.

Nathan at 'Trickster and Prankers 'well he is the Guild master in there.

Jasper at 'Buttlers of The Tale' a group of people who makes fairy tales in a different twist.

Mick at 'Magical Spirit Experts ' that's his guild

And the last but not the least.

Ice at 'Dark Fallen Assassination' a group of persons who assassinate in shadows.

That's all .......... But the real question is we're will I join?

Walking to the battle field I roam my eyes sporting each of them.

Fay is already at her guild signing and making contract.

While the guys are there observing who ever want to join their guild

While me standing at the entrance.

When I notice a guild and it's called.

"The alchemist "

This might be interesting.
Walking to the a girl greet me.

"Hello welcome to alchemist club were you can create New elixirs and potions. "

Then she gave me a paper.

"You can sign this just cut your wrist and let the blood flow a contract that if you disobey a the punishment alert will stop your breathing and you'll collapse if lucky or you'll die"

They have such rules? I didn't know this guild is available I should have chosen this before.

I cut my wrist and felt a slight pain and blood flows..

After 3 drops the paper glow and disappear.

"Congratulations! You have sign the contract successfully! "

Then a portal opens.

"This portal will lead you to the guild base enjoy! "

Then she push me.

Then suddenly a there was a powerful light making me cover my eyes with my hands.

When the light disapear I open my eyes.

"Welcome here to the world of alchemy! "

And I know I choose the right guild.


Because we reach 1k reads the 3 question in the chat/Comment box will be the only question I am going to answer. Personal questions will be entertain my reply will be posted at chapter 10 Authors note feel free to question me 😊 Soooo thanks for the votes and support!
Dedicated to XieCheryl0 Moll_i_bell and at munyabiza for you votes and comments thanks!

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