Chapter 23

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(Kora's POV)

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, biting my lip ready for my life to end. As a tear ran down my pale face I pulled the trigger, ready to escape this world and to leave my problems behind. I heard a click in place of where the bullet should have come out. In confusion, I knitted my eyebrows.

    'What happened?' I thought. I opened my tear stricken eyes and dropped the pistol, watching it fall to the side on the ground as my hands shook. Before I could really process anything I felt arms pull me into their embrace as I, err, we fell to our knees.

    A comforting warmth swarmed my cold, shaking body and I slowly lifted my arms and wrapped them around the person's waist. "Please don't ever scare me like that again!" I heard Thomas exclaim.

    I sobbed softly into Thomas's shoulder mumbling in gibberish while asking for his forgiveness and asking why I didn't die when I deserve death.

I felt him rub small circles onto my back. We both fell silent with the exception of me crying and Thomas mumbling "It's okay, it's okay, you're safe now, I forgive you." While holding his hand on my head with a grip that gave me the impression he never wanted to let go.

    After a moment of the two of us sitting silently, he stood up releasing me from his embrace and looked to his phone. Thomas looked at my mangled, bleeding body. A tear released from his now reddened eyes and I watched it slip down his cheek and saw it fall to the ground, disappearing into the earth.

    I can tell Thomas hesitantly let me go, most likely remembering that I was at this point bleeding to death. He walked over quickly to his phone that was facing screen down to the ground and he unlocked it. He opened his phone app and probably called 911. He crawled back over to me and wrapped his arm around me, his hand's grip was tight, dare I say in a protective way.

    I heard the phone ring a couple times before a woman picked up. I looked to my gun still confused as to what had happened. Why didn't it go off? I swear safety was off. Did the gun jam? Yeah, that must be what it is. What else could it possibly be? The gun hasn't been cleaned let alone fired in years. That has got to be the case.

    I was knocked out of my thoughts from the world around me beginning to look duller in color. I looked to Thomas who still seemed shaken up as he spoke to the woman on the phone. I have to tell Thomas. I began to tug on Thomas's shirt.

"Yeah Christi, we are in the eastern part of the park, near the trees. Call 911 for me please so an ambulance will come. Yes, she has lost a lot of- Hold on one moment." He looked down at me and my eyes began to feel heavy. I watched his eyes widen and the world around me began to now fade away into black.

"SHIT! Hurry she is losing consciousness! I got to go!" He hung up and began to shake me gently. His voice cracked with every shriek and demand for me to stay awake.

"Kora, please stay conscious! Talk to me, PLEASE! I don't want to lose you Kora, stay awake!" He hugged me. I tried to open my mouth and speak but my mouth felt as though it had been locked shut, and refused to open.

    No matter how hard I tried to speak I couldn't. My eyelids felt heavier than ever, and as the world  faded entirely into black as I heard Thomas utter one final word, "Please..."

    (Thomas's POV)

    Her head fell to my shoulders and I lifted her head gently, her eyes were closed. "NO! No, no,no, Kora, stay awake please. If you're awake you won't be able to die. I don't want you to die." I cried loudly.

    I frantically ran my fingers through my hair and I looked around hoping to see the ambulance and any other sort of authority appear. I heard a siren nearby, edging closer. The police department are not that far away so they have got to get here soon.

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