Chapter 20

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I was walking down the hallway to my locker to grab my ninth period textbook for class when I suddenly heard a familiar voice calling my name.

"KORAAAAA!" It was Storm. I could recognize that voice anywhere. The goof doesn't need to yell THAT loud. I'm not deaf. I chuckled softly and scratched the back of my head.

I turned around and smiled at the sight of my friend rushing towards me. Instinctively, I stood by the lockers out of everyone's way and waited for my friend to catch up with me. Of course she would stop me when we are in the busiest hallway in the school.

The boy that was walking behind me ran into my bag due to my sudden stop. I quickly turned around and apologized to him. As a reward for my never ending kindness, I was given a death glare. Like I said before, almost everyone hates me.

When Storm finally caught up to me she was out of breath. She bent over slightly for a moment and rested her hand on my shoulder. Once she caught her breath she looked up at me and stated, "Hey!" as though the scene of her running like a fool didn't just happen.

I smiled as I watched her stand up straight. "Hey, what's up?" I began to walk to my locker once more. Storm followed.

"Nothing much...uh..." She paused for a moment as though she was questioning whether or not to continue. "Hey do you think we haven't really talked much lately?" She let out what appeared to be a sheepish smile as she said it.

I quickly thought about it then turned to her. "No I guess we haven't. Wow, that's very unusual for us." I chuckled. Storm nodded her head in agreement and then began to speak more.

"Hey uh Kora...I already know the answer, but I was just a little bit curious. You DO tell us everything that happens to you right? don't keep any secrets from us."

I felt a look of panic try to cover my face. I quickly wiped it off with a nervous laugh. "Tsk...why would I keep secrets from you guys? You're my best friends after all." Storm looked dead serious and I think it was becoming evident that I was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable.

"Uh huh...You're sure about that?" She raised an eyebrow. "I'm just making sure."

What the hell is this about? Why is she asking me these questions? Where did these thoughts come from? Oh my god did she find out about dad? About me cutting? Oh my god did Abby squeal?

"Yeah, I'm one hundred percent sure okay?" I retorted trying to keep my cool.

"Okay if you say so, then I believe you." I let out a quick sigh of relief, one so small it was barely noticeable. "So, I heard Thomas wants to talk to you after school." I looked at her raising my eyebrow. Storm's serious face had vanished leaving her normal calm and collected face.

"You have?" We turned into the hallway that held my locker.

"Yeah, he wants to tell you something important." She smirked and gave me the I know something you don't look.

I raised my hand to my head and scratched the top of my head. "You know what he's gonna ask me?"

She nodded her head. "I think you're gonna be really happy. I know you've been probably wanting this specific thing to happen for quite a few years now." My heart fluttered a little.

Is it possible he wants to ask me out? Oh my god...what if he does? That would be amazing.

"Can you tell me what he is gonna say?" I asked hopeful.

She shook her head. "No, I don't want to spoil it too much for you. Besides, then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it." I frowned slightly. " How did you know that he wanted to meet with me anyways?" I gave her a curious look.

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