Chapter 8

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    I made my way down the hallway taking deep breaths so I could calm down more. After all it's basic knowledge that my friends will be concerned if I seem upset. Usually anyone would be like that really if they care enough.

    My heart was pounding, and everyone I passed made me feel as though they were staring at me. As though they had eyes on the back of their head watching my every move.

    I know most of them weren't, but I also know there was the select few that would snicker or whisper about me behind my back.

Besides the fact I wasn't wearing glasses, my eye sight was still some what blurry from the tears, but it wasn't bad enough to be too noticeable. I kept my head down and turned into the hallway that lead to the lunch room. It was empty.

The hallway walls were covered in lockers on the left and classrooms on the right. I continued walking when I heard the sound of high heels clicking.

My eyes widened as I realized who it was. The high heels clicking increased in speed and volume. I began to walk faster.

    Before I could react entirely, I felt two hands shove me aggressively towards the wall of lockers. My head banged into the locker, possibly opening an old cut. My bag fortunately blocked most of the impact, but it didn't help too much.

I fell to the floor and let out a pathetic sounding whimper. I expected to have more happen to me when Tara's voice rang in my ears.

"Move it asshole. Some of us have places to be." I looked up in time to see her pack of vicious sluts laugh. Of course the one and only Tara Alphan was in the lead.

Then Emma Clawsdale spoke up. "Yeah some of us belong here." Tara stopped a few feet ahead of me.

Tara's other lackey, Julie Pawsworth, looked down at me, her eyes were stone cold. "No one likes you really. You're just an obnoxious little shit who likes to take advantage of others."

Tara put her hand on her hip and pouted her lip in a teasing manner. "Oh are you gonna cry? Go on cry. Show the world the cry baby you really are." She bent down resting her hands on her lap.

I could feel hot tears flying down my face. I said nothing and watched as she Tara took another step over to me.

"Hmm..." Tara said, her heels clicked against the tile. She was now directly in front of me. In a panic I looked around. Where the fuck are the teachers? Shouldn't they be hearing this? What about the damn cameras?

I was knocked out of my thoughts by the touch of a cold hand grabbing my jaw. She straightened my view so I was looking her in the eye.

Our faces were inches apart, she sneered. "You know what Kora?" She looked at me as though she was looking a response. Of course I didn't answer, it was a rhetorical question after all. I bet my lip as I began to feel her sharp, manicured nails dig into my chin.

She turned her head slightly. "I think it would be better if you would just drop dead." She took my head by the chin and banged it against the locker hard, letting go of my chin.

She laughed and walked back over to her patiently waiting friends. "Come on girls, lets leave this little shit alone. She's had enough for today."

I watched her turn into the next hallway. I felt my head where it had smacked into the locker. It fortunately wasn't bleeding, but any more hits and it would of started.

When I didn't hear the high heels anymore, I slowly stood up. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket to see whether or not I was too late for lunch.

Obstacles Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon