Chapter 10

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My grip on the corner of the wall increased and my eyes widened as they gazed upon my tired looking father who had come home early. My whole body tensed up and I began to shake slightly.

He was wearing his dirty oil stained work shirt with many holes in it. His pants were ripped at the knee from god knows what. His shoes scuffed at the toes were hitting the floor making small marks. His hair was all disheveled and look as though it was combed to the side. But its neatness was ruined by him constantly running his hands through it.

He kicked his shoes off towards the wall. They banged slightly on impact making me jump uncomfortably. He leaned his messy hand as a support on the wall as he moved his shoes carelessly to the side. When he removed his hand I could make out a faint hand print.

I backed away from the corner silently and hurriedly ran into the last room to finish dusting the few leftover knickknacks. My heart was pounding. I looked at the rooms clock to see that he was ten minutes early. "Shit. That bastard can't know I haven't finished yet." I mumbled through my teeth.

"Kora, I'm home." His voice sounded as though it was filled with annoyance. That in itself meant no good.

I reached for an old antique statue of a rose my mother had and dusted it gingerly.

I increased in speed as I heard his heavy footsteps advance towards the stairs. "What, you don't want to greet your old man?" He yelled. I heard one of the stairs creek. I placed the rose down and ran to the door way.

I left the guest bedroom, and ran to my room. I skidded to a stop on my bed and stuffed the rag under it.

I scanned it quickly to make sure the rag was hidden out of sight and flopped on my bed by the window.

Just as I did so I saw his horrid face turn into my room. "Ah, there you are."

I leaned forward slightly. "H-hi d-dad. W-when did you come in? I didn't hear you."

He leaned against the doorframe lazily and crossed his arms gazing at his watch. "Well, about two minutes ago I believe. You didn't hear me come in?"

I shook my head quickly. He looked at me with his stone cold eyes. "Mm...I see." He ran his right hand through his greasy hair.

"The house looks nice. I'm glad."
He stood up straight and walked towards me. I gulped fear in my eyes.

I looked up at him and raised my knees to my chest slightly. "W-why's that?"

He looked around my room and put his hands on his hips. "Well, we will be having some guests tonight. Specifically your uncle Aaron and your godfather James."

I nodded my head. " we have any beer in the fridge?" He asked me.

"Um I'm not sure dad let me check." I slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up adjusting my shirt.

"Mm...okay. I will be right here." He walked over to my dresser and watched me exit the dull room.

I walk quickly down the stairs, skipping two at a time. My hand glided against the smooth, wooden railing.

Quietly I mumbled to myself. "Please don't have beer, oh dear lord don't have beer."

I walked into the kitchen and stopped short in front of the fridge.

I opened the door and looked at the middle shelf at the back of the fridge. Nothing. I half heartedly smiled. "Okay, if there is no beer in the cabinet than I'm clear for tonight...I think."

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