Chapter 2

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    I woke up the next morning to the sound of my cheap, puny, battery powered alarm clock. I swiped my hand across the nightstand until I found the clock, and than turned it off. Once the sound disappeared, I solemnly sighed and rubbed my face. I tossed my blanket off of me and practically crawled out of bed.

"Ugh...another day, yet another living hell."

    I walked over to my dresser to lay my clothes out, and then I proceeded to the connected bathroom.

    I quickly got in the shower. The water graced my body, making me wince slightly from the bruises and cuts.

    Once I had gotten out, I grabbed a worn red towel, and made my way to my dresser. I grabbed a white and gray sweater, and black leggings.

    I than made my way back over to the dull bathroom, and put my hair up into a messy bun. I sighed at the fact I couldn't see as clearly as I would like. That's what I get for falling and practically letting Tara step on my glasses. I did my makeup quietly with my makeup from the nearby drugstore.

    I tried to cover up my bruises best I could and squinted in the mirror. I wasn't quite sure how I looked, but I hoped for the better that it was covered.

      'Perhaps I can ask Abby how I look if I see her.' Sighing I looked at my clock and managed to see I was running behind. So I quickly slipped on a random pair of mismatched socks and my old filthy converses. I than sneaked into the hallway.

    I tiptoed through the hallway, trying to make as little noise as possible. I felt tense as I creeped by dad's bedroom. My hands were trembling as I reached for the door knob hesitantly. I slowly peered in to see he was gone. So he most likely left for work. 'Thank God.'

    I became more relaxed and less cautious as I made my way down the stairs towards my kitchen. As I got to the bottom of the staircase, I paused to look out the window best I could.

    Than I jumped from the sudden sound of my father snoring. I looked over into the living room, following the sound. There I saw my father asleep slightly slumped over in a chair, and the floor littered with empty beer bottles and cans. One of them was tipped over, the beer can's contents spilled out on the floor.

    I thought to myself,'That's going to be fun to clean up tonight.'  I turned around and tried to make as little noise as possible as I went into the kitchen and grabbed a red apple. Than I grabbed my backpack and walked outside, shutting the door behind me.

    Once I was out the door I stopped dead in my tracks. I realized I left my phone in the house. I stopped and slowly turned towards the white painted hellhole. I looked at my watch.

    "If I am quick, I should be able to get it and still make it to the bus stop on time. But I need to be quiet, dad gets angry if I wake him up." I mumbled to myself.

    I walked inside and carefully placed my bag down. I inched towards the stairs, my eyes never leaving my father. I went up the stairs and went into my room, quietly closing the door. I crawled under the bed and grabbed my phone.

    Than I stood back up, and brushed off the dust that attached itself to my cloths. Than I went to the door. I placed my hand on the door knob and took a deep breath while glancing at my watch. I was making good time.

    I inched down the stairs, trying to be as quiet as a mouse. As I made it to the last step, it squeaked. In a panic I quickly glanced at my father. He stirred a little, but fortunately he didn't wake up. I quickly went to the door, and went back outside. I let out a sigh of relief I didn't even realize I was holding. I picked my bag up and made my way to my bus stop.

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