Chapter 21

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I turned around the side of the school Thomas was on. I could hear close footsteps slowly approach so I knew he was close enough to both hear and see me. Looking down I smiled, and opened my eyes saying, "Hey Thomas, what did you want to talk to me about?"

    I looked up and was greeted with the sound of evil laughter, or to be more specific, Tara and Emma's  laughter. Each cackling with absolute pleasure of my surprise.

As fear filled my face, I looked around frantically due to not seeing Julia. Before I had a chance to look behind me and run away  I felt two boney hands hit my middle back pushing me down against the burning hot black top.

"Wow, I can't believe you actually fell for that Kora. You're truly dumber than I thought. Or is it desperation fueling your actions? I can't tell the difference." I watched Tara advance towards me. She looked very full of herself...though when does she ever not?

     I looked at her shirt to see it has a very light brown tint where the coffee had previously spilled earlier in the day and saw she is still wearing her red skirt. I'm honestly surprised she didn't change. Especially considering the fact she hates her outfits not being perfect.

I looked to her feet to see she is wearing sneakers. That's why I didn't hear any high heels. I looked at the other two, of course they changed shoes they can run better. Great.

    I tried to get up but felt two knees go on top of my back, pinning me down against the ground. I looked up to see the person pinning me was Emma. I heard Emma speak up. "Hey Tara, what do you think is up with her sudden change in style hm? Perhaps she was trying to copy us?"

    Julia snickered from her friend's remark and decided to pitch in as well. "Do you think she wanted to look pretty or maybe even impress her lover boy?" The three laughed while meanwhile I was thrashing my limbs around trying to get up. My face was beginning to burn from the intense heat in the pavement.

    Tara looked down upon me like I was the scum of the earth. "Honey, there's something you should know. You're nothing but a fugly freak. No one's ever gonna love you, in fact no one even likes you. Every single one of your friends are friends with you because they feel sorry for you."

   I stopped thrashing my arms knowing the overall action was futile. I plugged my ears to block out Tara. I didn't want to hear it. I didn't want to here her lies...are...they lies?

"NO! That's not true, they would never do anything like that..." I partly shouted. Tara and her gang howled with laughter. I watched Tara bend over and grabbed my hands.

Her nails dug into my skin enough for blood to be able to drip slightly. She yanked my hands away from my ears and continued.

    "I bet they don't even want to be your friend. They probably just want to take advantage of you and then ditch you when you give them what they want. Afterall who would want to be friends with a bastard like you?" Tears began to threaten to fall from my eyes.

    I tried to move but between Tara holding my hands and being pinned down by my back, there wasn't much I could do. I began to plead."Please let me go, I promise I won't spill stuff on you ever again!"

    Julia responded, "Tsk...tough luck. You aren't going anywhere until we are done with you for the day." I could feel hot tears begin to spill down my face as my vision began to blur. "Oh quit your whining!" I felt someone's foot hit the side of my waist. I yelped from the sudden impact.

"What did I ever do to you!" I asked. "What did I do to deserve this? Why do you hate me so much?" I cried.

    I craned my neck slightly and looked at Julia and Emma. "Do YOU even know?" I asked as another tear fell to the ground. My hair was becoming disheveled, slightly hanging in my face.

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