Chapter 16

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The next morning I woke up around 9:30. I sat up and stretched my arms while releasing a small yawn. My eyelids still felt heavy as I fought to open them. As I rubbed my eyes, I realized it was Saturday!

    I threw the blanket off of me and practically ran to my dresser with delight. I will be able to leave this hell again. It felt as though in an instant all my tiredness had subsided from the excitement coursing through my veins.

I grabbed my last clean long sleeve shirt that was a purple dip dye shirt along with my other pair of black ripped jeans and went to the bathroom to shower. I practically tossed my clothes onto the sink counter and quickly jumped into the shower.

   After my shower I dried off and got dressed. I carefully slid my shirt over my cuts and grabbed a hair tie. I put my hair up in a pony tail and then hung up my towel.

    As I exited my room I heard the tv downstairs running. My smile twisted into a slight frown. I thought he'd still be sleeping. Maybe he fell asleep in the living room downstairs and left the tv on. When I reached the bottom of the staircase, I peered around the corner to see if dad was there. Of course he was.

    However, he was awake and was sitting on the couch. He looked up and saw me.

"Morning Kora, what's a little freak like you doing up so early this morning?"

"H-hey dad. Heheh..."I chucked awkwardly. "I was going to go shopping with Abby today." I said now fully standing in the living room.

"Mm okay, and WHEN did you ask me for permission to do so?" He asked sounding kind of annoyed.

"W-well I'm sorry d-dad Abby needed to know immediately and I just said yes and I figured that if you were not okay with it I could just c-call and cancel." I was beginning to get nervous.

    I watched my father run his dirty fingers through his hair and sigh. "I'm not entirely happy with you on this matter Kora." I nodded my head as he paused. "But I'll tell you what. Make me breakfast, specifically eggs of any sorts, and you can go." He eyed me in a very uncomfortable manner.

    He adjusted the position he was in, resting the black tv remote onto his knee. He reached out his right hand. "Do we have a deal?"

    Not wanting my day to be ruined I nodded enthusiastically forcing a smile onto my nervous face. "Deal!" I shook his hand and then took off to the kitchen.

He glanced at the tv and with a smirk replied while a yelling, "Good. Next time ask or I'll kick your ass." Ignoring the threat I walked over to the cabinets.

    I took out a frying pan and the appropriate spatula along with a butter knife. I walked over to out fridge and took out our carton of eggs and the butter. After I took some butter from the container and put it in the pan, I turned on the burner so the butter would melt.

    I reached into one of the higher cabinets on my tippy toes and pulled out a separate bowl. It first the bowl was hard to grasp,(after all these cabinets were not made for someone that was 4'11), but I eventually got a good grip and brought it down. I grabbed two eggs and one at a time cracked them into the bowl.

I pulled a fork from the silverware drawer and began to beat the eggs in a circular motion so I could mix the egg yolk and the whites together in one.

    Afterwards, I spread the now melted butter on top of the hot surface. After a minute, I picked up the glass bowl of yellow goo and let it fall into the burning pan. It began to make a slight sizzling noise as it made contact.

I took the spatula and began to swirl it around and "chopped up" the eggs with it. I pushed it through the yellow liquid continuously until it became more solid.

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