Chapter 5

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During English class I had a hard time trying to focus. Between all of the typically crumbled up, hurtful notes that are hurled at my head I was receiving and my mind constantly wandering off, it became hard to even pay attention to my teacher. I mean it's not like I could really see the board anyways. I was going to ask if I could sit in the front, BUT I'm too shy to do that.

    I was extremely excited about Thomas volunteering to buy me new glasses. But at the same time I was feeling a little anxious about going home to my drunk father. I had to find a way to hide my new glasses from him but at the same time not loose or break them.

'I wonder if I should bring Abby as well? I mean it would be nice to have another girl's opinion as to how I look in them, but it would also be kinda nice to have it just be me and him.'

    As I was contemplating what I should do, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the school's obnoxiously loud bell ringing.

    I put my blue binder forcefully back into my bag, zipping it up so nothing would be able to fall out or get stolen like the last time I forgot to do so.

    Last time I did that by accident, someone stole my earbuds and twenty bucks that I had earned the previous day before from my job that I was gonna spend on a new shirt or something.

I haven't seen my ear buds since that day, and the money was most likely spent on drugs or something of the sort for all I know. Damn...aren't my thoughts such lovely rays of sunshine huh?

    I quickly slung the right strap over my right shoulder and proceeded to walk out of the room to art, my next class.

    I've always been quite fond of art, there is just something about it that I find so intriguing. I specifically like to sketch and paint. It also relaxes me, bringing me into another world where I know I'm safe. I guess you could say art is my escape.

    I walked down the extremely packed hallways, walking behind slow as fuck students that walk at an inhuman speed. I call those students sloths. I mean seriously, they have legs, they should be able to move them at an average speed.

    I finally turned into the art classroom, several other students on my heel. I  placed my old pink bag down on the dried  paint splattered table and then went over to grab my paint and other supplies along with my canvas.

    My painting is of a countryside. In it there is a small field with its horizon engulfed by trees and flowers. There were several children and a dog playing in the field with a blue ball. On top of the tallest hill was a little ranch house. Or to be honest what I consider my dream house. Smoke was erupting from the chimney, and a sunset was draped in the background.

    About half way into the class, I was minding my own business painting when I overheard a passing conversation going on at the table diagonal from me.

   Sitting at this table are some of the ignoramus delinquents. I personally call their group Satan's Omegas. Satan because in my opinion they're demons and existing along side them is painful. I call them omega's because they are like lone wolves in their own ways and I look at it as though Satan AKA their alpha kicked them out of "the pack"...if that makes sense.

    They usually gossip and form rumors. They especially like blackmailing students into doing weird bull for them. They are also fond of skipping classes. But naturally they also like to cause trouble for teachers and their fellow peers, otherwise what kind of delinquents would they be?

    I overheard one guy named Zach say while chuckling, "You really dare me too?"

    I glanced up slightly to watch from the corner of my no longer sparkling eyes, but I didn't make it too obvious I was doing so.

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