Chapter 12

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   My parents and I walked to the counter of the quaint toy store. I gazed happily at the tired cashier and l watched him stand up and watch us approach him. The doll was in my father's arms from him carrying the doll.

    When we approached the cashier, he let out a smile and said,

"Well what do we have here?" The cashier gestured his hand towards the doll my father was currently placing down in front of the man.

    Cheerfully I responded, "It's my very special birthday present." I clapped my hands with glee. "I got to pick it out ALL BY MYSELF!" I giggled.

    My parents chuckled, and I looked at the cashier's name. It was Tim.Tim looked to be in his mid to late 50's. Tim scanned the item. Then he looked back towards my parents and I.

"A birthday present huh?" He placed the doll's box down and looked around for the barcode until he food it. Then he turned towards the barcode scanner.

    I nodded happily. "Yup, I turned ten today! My mom and dad told me I could get whatever toy I wanted so I picked her."

    He looked at the doll and smiled. "Well happy birthday then little lady. You picked a beautiful doll." He clicked a few buttons on the computer's screen.

    My dad put his hand on my shoulder and said, "My baby girl is growing up on me."

    Tim looked back at my father then averted his gaze towards the computer again pressing a couple more keys. "The doll is $65.99. My mom unzipped her purse and pulled out her wallet.

    She counted her money quickly and then in her kind voice she responded, "Okay, here is $66.00." She gave Tim her usual warm smile and then ruffled my hair.

    Tim took it and began to fondle around with the money making sure the green bills went back into their correct slots. Then he pulled out a penny and gave it to my mom, who in turn gave it to me.

   Tim turned towards me. I didn't realize it back then, but he looked exhausted. How he kept a smile on his face I have no clue.

"So birthday girl, do you want to put her in a bag or would you like to carry her out?" He leaned on the counter and rested his chin on his hand that was supported by his elbow.

    My eyes widened and my jaw partly dropped as I half yelled, "I can DO THAT?!?"  Not knowing this was possible I gazed at my parents in pure disbelief. My mother nodded.

   That earned a laugh from all three. "Yes of course you can it's yours!" He took the doll and gently handed it to me.

    As we walked out of the toy store,  I heard Tim yell, "Have a good night you three! Happy tenth Birthday!" Have a safe ride home!"

My father turned around his hand on my back and responded to Tim. "The same to you too! Have a good night!" Dad looked at my mother and I lovingly and said, "Well he was a kind man huh?"

I nodded in agreement and looked at my doll in pure delight. I was super excited to open her up.

We went outside to find that it was snowing. I'm not really sure how long we were in the store, but there was already about 2 and a half inches of snow and ice on the ground.

    The three of us approached the car. I was skipping and practically hugging the box into submission. With every step the sound of snow crunching beneath our tiring feet was heard without fault. When we reached my moms car, my mom took the driver's seat and my dad took the passengers.

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