Chapter 4

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I smiled as I walked down the long, crowded hallway. Everyone was yelling and swearing about their normal bull.

    Usually I would be annoyed about them because to me they are all morons with the exception of a select few. But today I honestly don't care.

    The fact that Thomas had volunteered to pay for my glasses was so sweet of him. I can't believe of all people that could help me with this, helping me. But the problem is if my dad notices the sudden new glasses. What am I gonna tell him? He'll be pissed.

I swung my book bag over my shoulder enough so I could reach into the side pocket. I reached in and fumbled my hand around inside my bag until I grabbed my beats earbuds. They were black and red.

    After putting them through the port, I turned on my phone so I could listen to my music. I picked a rock song by Set It Off, and blasted it so I almost wouldn't be able to hear anyone.

I was still smiling like an idiot as I walked down the hallway. Walking down the loud, crazy hallway at times is a challenge due to the fact that I am currently half blind AND I'm short so if someone suddenly decides to stop walking I get a face full of book-bag. I right? I know I sure think so (note my sarcasm).

I was walking pretty fast and was caught completely off guard when I was tripped by someone. I let out a shrill shriek gaining a few people's attention while throwing my arms out to catch myself.

I fell to the floor with a thud. My bag laid on top of me, and my phone was gripped tightly in my hands. I stood up, just to be pushed back down against the blue lockers.

My head banged into the locker hard. It felt as though they reopened what was healed from my injury I received last night. I rubbed the back of my head gently. Fortunately, there was no blood. I didn't need to look up to know who caused my fall.

"Awww...look who it is's our little friend, Kora."

It was Tara, she yanked my earbuds out of my ears, and smirked at me. To follow up with her previous action, she did the same thing to my backpack. She tossed it to the side, too far out of reach.

    She leaned over me, her black, two inched, high heels shining on the school's tiled floor. Her two lap dogs right behind her tail. They cornered me, so I couldn't escape.

"Tara, do you think I could have the next hit." Asked Emma in her wicked voice. She put out a lip fake pouting, and cocked her head to the side like a dog begging for food.

Tara, turned her head to the side to look at her and held her hand up averting her cold, ice blue eyes to look at her long, manicured nails. She appeared to pretend to have a small train of thought.

    She than began to twirl a small strand of her blonde hair around a single finger and replied, "Mm I would normally agree but remember? I told you yesterday that Julia could have the first hit after me."

Julia nodded in agreement. Than walked toward me. She kicked me in the stomach with her brown, knee high boots. It hurt like hell. I yelped slightly from the pain. She hit me most likely were one of my bruises are.

The three snickered. I covered my head and went into a balled up position. The three continued to hurt me, but I didn't do a thing about it.

    I looked around at the crowd of people, looking for a teacher, a friend, or even just a school janitor that could stop this torture. Unfortunately there were not any currently in sight. Just like usual.

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