Chapter 18

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As I walked to my door I didn't see my dad's truck outside, but that didn't mean it wasn't in the garage.

I looked at Abby from the corner of my eye as she got in her car, she seemed...upset. I don't blame her if she felt that way though, after all she did just learn one of her good friends cuts.

I nervously approached the door. I went to turn the doorknob, but found that the door was locked. I took out my house key from my pocket and unlocked the door. Then I put my keys back into my pocket and picked up my bags. With my bags in my hands, I slipped into the old house. I put the bags down on the floor next to the shoe pile, and then slipped off my shoes.

I turned around and relocked the fragile door. Once I was sure every bag I had was within the house. I looked through the glass door and watched Abby pull out. I sighed and looked at my watch. It was 4:30 in the afternoon.

I turned around and half yelled "Dad, I'm home!" and then listened for a response...nothing. I didn't hear a sound. I didn't hear a radio, a tv, and I didn't hear any snoring. The house was eerily dead silent.

I inched my way to the living room quietly and peered around the small thin walls. He wasn't in the chair or on the couch. But I DID see the tray table and the dirty plates from the breakfast I served dad this morning.

It wouldn't have killed him to get off his ass for once and at least bring them to the kitchen for me. But I guess I should not be expecting very much from him when it comes to this kind of stuff.

I walked into the living room and stacked the bowls and plates onto one another, making sure they were balanced correctly. I picked up the empty glass along with the dishes and with a sigh walked over to the kitchen.

I placed the dirty dishes into the sink and then looked around the kitchen. It was fairly clean. As I scanned the empty kitchen I noticed a piece of paper hanging meticulously on the fridge held up by a magnet. I went over to the fridge and looked at the note. It was from dad. I pulled off the magnet holding it up as I grasped the paper in my left hand. The note read:

Your Uncle invited me with him to go to a bar today since I took the day off. We will be staying late of course, and so I will not be returning home tonight. Tomorrow I will be at work, so expect me to be home by my normal time. I gave you your list of chores. Make sure they are all completed by the time I get home or else.
Your Father

When I read it, I immediately relaxed knowing the fact that this demon that usually haunts me will not bother me tonight. When I flipped the paper over, I saw that he left me a semi-long list of chores. So I decided to just do them on Sunday instead, and just chill tonight since it's so rare that things like this occur. I know it's not normal for me to procrastinate, but today I do not care, in a sense, tonight will be like a night off for me as well.

I didn't do anything too crazy once I settled in. But I definitely did some planning for in case an emergency were to emerge. I ran up the steps two at a time and went into my room. I walked over to my dirty window. The lock appeared to be stuck. I put my hand on the lock applying some force. After trying to make it budge for a moment it finally moved.

I pushed up the window and felt the cool air blow onto my pale cheeks. I removed the screen gently laying it on its side next to my bed. I stuck my head out the window and my dirty blonde hair blew slightly into my face from the wind.

I took my hair tie off of my wrist and threw my hair up into a messy, temporary ponytail to keep my hair out of my face. Then I stuck my head back out the window. I observed my surroundings. I couldn't see too much due to the tree in front of me. I could only really see a small portion of our side yard and a small section of my backyard.

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