Chapter 14

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   I moved my bangs out of my face in one quick motion as I sped down the hallway as fast as I could. I weaved back and forth between the slow moving students. I was moving so fast I wasn't even able to read any of the signs on the walls.

    My earbuds kept falling out of my ears, so I eventually just turned my music off and continued my quick journey to meet Micheal.

    Annoyed I mumbled in annoyance to myself, "Ugh, why the fuck did he have to pick the fountain on THE OTHER SIDE of the school."

    I kept my head down as I turned the corner sharply hitting my arm on sharp edge of the wall.

    "Ow." I muttered while rubbing my arm. At this point there are way less people in the hallway since the other side of the school is used more by students.

    As I turned the final corner that leads to the hallway that the fountain I have to meet Micheal is I saw Micheal sitting on a bench. He looked quite impatient as he tapped his foot against the ground. He's never been quite the patient type.

    He noticed me approach and he pushed up his glasses smiling slightly, his body looking less tense at the sight of me. "Hey, I'm glad the sweater fits. I wasn't sure if it would or not. I guessed your size so I'm glad to know it fits well." He stated kindly.

    I stopped in front of him slightly out of breath. "Hey. Wait, you're the one whom bought me this sweater?"

    He nodded kindly still holding his gentle smile. "Yeah I did. I figured I should get you a new one since you sacrificed your other one for me."

    I smiled and responded sweetly, "Aww thanks man it's lovely, but you didn't have to do this." I played the bottom of my sweater, grasping the warm and soft fabric in my fingers.

He shook his head in disagreement and responded sternly, "Now I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to. You are the one who saved my art project anyways."

I shrugged and said warmly. "Hey, it's what friends are for. But really, thank you so much." I put out my arms and he reluctantly let me pull him into a hug. He's not the hugging type either so I hugged him quick. He responded, "Uh, no problem."

    I let go and I sat down on the bench, tapping the spot next to me signaling for him to sit. He did so and placed his bag next to the bench between his long legs. Then he turned to face me.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked curiously. I forced a smile onto my face trying to hide my worry.

    His warm smile quickly turned into a frown. His happy eyes turned concerned and he let out a sigh as though he was trying to prepare himself for what he was about to say.

    "Well. You know how I dropped your sweater off last night." He searched my eyes waiting for an answer.

    I nodded and thoughtfully said, "Yeah, my dad told me a boy dropped it off. He never said who though."

    "Kora." He looked me in the eyes as though he was searching for something. "Were you...feeling well...last night? Your father said you were asleep."

    I looked at him confused. "Uh...heh. Yeah...I was home. I had to go to work first though so that made me pretty tired." I furrowed my eyebrows in frustration trying to figure out what he was trying to say.

    He shook his head. "No Kora, I dropped your sweater off around 5:30-6 last night. I mean when I dropped your sweater off were you asleep, for real. Not that I mean to pry into your personal home life but you need to answer this for me. "

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