26: A Constant Reminder

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[ Third Person POV ]

The misty air clung to Ryan's breath, as he exhaled not only a breath he'd been holding in for far too long, but the cigarette smoke from the cigarette he currently puffed on. It was the college boy's only reminder of who he really was. It kept the poser tied to his real self.

However, the cigarette was ripped from the man by calloused hands, roughened up from the years of painting. The artist squished the cigarette bud between his fingers, and discarded it at their feet, before raising his bronze eyes to glare directly at Ryan. "What the fuck do you want from me, Ryan?" The male growled, his voice as rough as his scruffy chin, which he hadn't bothered shaving, over the past few days.

"You know what I want, you know who I work for, Brendon." Ryan snapped back, only moments after the joint was ripped from his mouth. Brendon's once-warm eyes had regained the cold atmosphere they carried when the male was stressed. He chewed on his lip while he leaned against the stone wall of Brendon's apartment complex wall. Tired of the crickets, Ryan spoke once more.

"I always get what I want. I always win. We always win; I'll find a way to win, and it may include this Star Boy you're always painting." Ryan threatened. Brendon's face fell, his eyes stretching wide. He clenched his fist, and angrily smacked it back against the stone wall - onto groan, as pain seered up his arm. "You'll stay away from him, Ryan."

"Or will I?"

Brendon marched forward and grabbed the front of Ryan's shirt, twisting his fingers into the vintage fabric. Their faces were only inches apart, as Brendon spat back in his face. "You will leave Dallon alone. He has nothing to do with any of this. He's innocent, I won't let you hurt him. Not my boy." Ryan's lips curved into yet another wicked smirk.

"But you can hurt him?" Ryan teased. By now, the poser was simply playing with Brendon. He fed off the way he got under Brendon's skin, and made him antsy. It amused Ryan deeply, as it always had.

"He has everything to do with it, Brendon. We warned you about leaving, but what do you do? You fucking leave. You will never, ever, live this down, and your wrist will be a constant reminder of the biggest mistake you made by leaving Hollywood." Ryan sneered. Each word dug deeper into Brendon's heart, reminding him just how powerless he was against who he used to call his allies.

Brendon's anger finally got the best of him, and he jerked Ryan to the side, by the front of his shirt. However, like usual, Ryan was a step ahead of Brendon, and stuck his foot out, knocking the kid off balance. Brendon stumbled, gripping to the stone wall for support, before Ryan kicked his ankles apart, and shoved him against the wall. Brendon wheezed, Ryan's elbow dug painfully into his ribs, and the switchblade in his hand stung threateningly against his throat.

Memories flood into Brendon's mind, of all the times he'd been on the opposite side of this, threatening other hopeless citizens into staying, or living a life of hell. He grunted, hanging limply in Ryan's grip, against the wall. One hand was pressed to the wall, while his other was hanging tightly onto Ryan's armed hand, in a form of defense.

"Fuck you!" Brendon spat. Ryan's smirk danced across his face again, and he moved his elbow, only to nail it back into Brendon's ribs, earning a whine from the poorly-armed man. "That's exactly what you'll do if you want your stupid sex buddy left out of this."

"What? Hell no! I would never cheat on Dallon. Especially not for a scum bag like you, Ryan." He snarled back. Ryan rolled his eyes, loosening his grip only slightly. "I won't hurt you directly, Brendon, but I'm not afraid to rat the love of your life out to Frank." Ryan warned. Desperate, Brendon whined, throwing his head back to smack against the wall.

"Just fucking kill me, okay? Get it over with. I've never been as in love with anybody as I have Dallon, I'll never be able to live this down!" Brendon cried out, just before Ryan pocketed his switchblade, and smacked his hand over Brendon's loud mouth.

"You know you won't be able to live with the guilt of knowing you got your college kid killed, either." Ryan reminded him. For many, long minutes, Brendon hung there in thought. For he didn't want to hurt Dallon, but he couldn't find any other way of keeping him safe. Once he made up his mind, he latched his teeth onto the skin of Ryan's hand, and bit down. Ryan released a strangled cry, pulling his hand back to lash out, smacking Brendon across the cheek.

"Watch where you put that mouth, Hollywood." Ryan snapped. Brendon didn't answer. "Well, what'll it be?"

"I'll do it. Only if you let me explain everything, and I mean EVERYTHING to Dallon, without him getting involved. Let me try to leave us on a peaceful note, please?" Brendon pled, his voice taking on a tone he'd never used with anybody else. Ryan quirked an eyebrow as he thought. "Please. I love him." He whispered. Brendon felt himself tearing up, as he thought about what he was dooming their relationship to be. He never should've pursued Dallon in the first place.

"I can deal with that. Frank won't know, as long as you make the sex good." Ryan decided, his lips curving into another smile. He released Brendon, allowing the man to drop down onto his feet. He rubbed his throat, and his neck, before wiping a few loose tears. "Fuck you, Ryan Ross."

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