16: Get Out, Pretty Boy

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[ Emeto Warning! ]

"Dallon, Dallon. Please wake up.." I slowly gained a lip of reality as I woke. Confused, I fluttered my eyelashes open with a grunt. A pair of hands grasped at my cheeks, and a pair of lips met my own, which jerked me right awake. I yelped in surprise and kicked my feet out, managing to knock whoever it was, aside. My breathing was already rapid, as was my heart. Through blurry eyes, I eyed the four figures standing over me. Tyler, Josh, Spencer, and Brendon. Brendon was accompanied closely by Josh, who was gripping his shoulder tightly. Spencer sighed in relief, and leaned over beside me.

"Dallon? Are you alright?" Spencer asked. I swallowed slowly, only to hack on my own saliva a few seconds. My throat was incredibly dry, and it hurt to speak. No, I wasn't alright, and if it wasn't evident before, it was now. I sat up as I continued to cough, but into my arms. "Tyler, grab him a glass of water." Spencer ordered. Minutes later I had a glass of water, and my vision had cleared out a bit. I gulped the water down eagerly, as it soothed my sore throat.

"Dallon?" It was Brendon. I monotonously looked up at him, the glass still held tightly in one hand. I felt sick to my stomach, and couldn't remember why, or how, or where I was. Why was everybody surrounding me? What had happened?

"How do you feel?" Spencer cut in. Bless his soul for getting the attention off of Brendon. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him at the moment. I shrugged, but when I tried to speak, nothing but a squeak came out. I gulped, and cleared my throat, before trying again.

"Hell." I said simply, my voice was beaten down and croaky. Spencer reached out to push me back down. Tyler latched onto Josh, hiding his face. The moment I lay down, my stomach lurched. I jerked up again, and threw up right there and then. My throat burned, as I clutched tightly to the couch. I cursed to myself, but let my mouth zip tightly shut as my throat only seered.

"My shoes..." Brendon muttered sofy. I opened my eyes, becoming yet again aware of the situation. Spencer had his hand on my back, rubbing it soothingly, but now his carpet - and Brendon's shoes - were drenched in what was originally in my stomach. I opened my mouth to apologize, but nothing but a whine escaped. Spencer sat me up again, glaring in Brendon's direction. He pouted back at Spencer.

"What's happening?" I whispered, to avoid straining my voice. "Brendon was the one who kissed me, right?" Brendon's cheeks darkened, and he altered his gaze elsewhere in embarrassment. Especially when both Tyler and Josh glared at him from the mention of the kiss. Spencer was patient with me.

"You drank to much last night. Yes, it was Brendon."

"What? I drank?"

"Yeah.." Spencer trailed off slowly. I couldn't remember doing such. "You got bummed over Brendon being an asshole, and began ranting, all the while, you drank." Spencer explained. I groaned, reaching for the glass of water, so I could wash my mouth out.

"Ugh..where are we? Why is everybody here?" I asked. I looked around, as Spencer spoke up, willing to answer my questions. The others were still quiet. Especially Brendon. "We're at my place, and I asked them to come over, because we were...discussing things with Brendon." Brendon raised his head at the mention of his name, eyeing me awkwardly. I grunted softly. "Did Spencer hit you?" I guessed.

Brendon pursed his lips, then sighed, nodding. He turned his head to reveal a red mark painted across his cheek. I would've felt guilty for Spencer's actions, except he deserved it. I smiled weakly, and fell back against the couch. Spencer had hit other people who became a threat to me before, so I wasn't surprised. "Good." I muttered.

"Dallon?" Brendon called out, as my eyes fell shut. I fluttered them open again, quirking an eyebrow. "Are you okay? You look really pale.." He trailed off. Both Tyler and Josh's faces fell, and Spencer frowned slowly. He leaned across me to press his hand to my forehead. "He feels fine. Somebody else try." He offered. Brendon reached forward to do so, but Spencer smacked his hand away. "Not you!"

I couldn't choke back my weary smile. Josh leaned forward and gave his opinion, stating that I felt normal, as Spencer had said.

"It's probably just a hangover." Tyler suggested. I didn't give my input. I hoped to God that it was just a hangover. If it was worse, I wasn't sure what I'd do. Spencer sighed softly, his shoulders slumping down in defeat. "I'm still gonna keep a close eye on him." Spencer decided. He got to his feet, and draped a blanket across my body, tucking me in.

"Good ide-"

"Shut up, Brendon." Spencer snapped. He fell silent, tucking his hands behind his back. He looked incredibly guilty. I sighed, too. "Easy, Spence." I whispered. He gave me a desperate expression, but gave in either way.

"Fine. I'll ease up." Brendon perked up in excitement, whilst Tyler frowned. Josh huffed.

"..Starting tomorrow. Get out, pretty boy." Spencer snapped, pointing to the door. A chorus of hoots and hollars taunted Brendon all the way to the door, as he pouted.

"Get well, Dallon." He called out, and gave me a weak smile. I returned the smile half heartedly, and the door fell shut, blocking him from the rest of us.

"Spencer, was that necessary?" I groaned. Spencer shrugged, as he gently pushed Tyler and Josh back.

"Probably not, but it's too late now. I'll clean up, supper's ready. Josh, Tyler, you guys can stay if you're willing to help out with Dallon."

"I'm fine."

"You are not." Josh cut me off, so I went quiet. Tyler gave Josh an approving smile. I simply sighed.

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