13: Star Sex

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"Pices the Fish." I stated, my eyes fixed on the stars above my head. "Pices is one of many in the celestial sea, all related to water." I finished. I looked down at Brendon, who was draped across my lap. He was draped across me so his chest was in my lap, which I used as a table for my composition book. He was eating an apple, his eyes fixed on me. I knew he didn't have any interest in the subject, he just enjoyed hearing me talk. I scribbled the constellation down under Canis Major, The Great Dog. I had found another one, too, so I only had two more constellations to find. It had been two days since I'd been brought home with Brendon. I hadn't left since, except to go to my classes. Brendon was still unaware of my photography classes, which I'd had my first day of yesterday.

"Brendon." I asked softly, my eyes still fixed on the intriguing sky. He grunted in reply. I finally dropped my eyes to look over him. More specifically, his lips. They were still as perfect as the first time I'd seen them. Each kiss from them was as enticing as the first kiss you would have with somebody.

"Watcha think about?" His lips moved gracefully which each word he pressed out. I smiled softly, and directing my own eyes elsewhere. What was I thinking about? Well, there were a lot of things I was thinking about. For one, I was thinking about his lips, and whether to act upon my urge and initiate another kiss. On the other hand, I was wondering if Brendon still thought we shared something more than just friends. Could I classify the cold eyed boy as my friend? I wasn't sure, but I was head over heels for him.



"Us." I finalized. He stared at me through his cold, bronze eyes, all the while taking another quick bite of his apple. This gave me more time to think. I did so. I thought about school, and how my poem wasn't coming along too well. My constellations were, but otherwise, I was probably gonna fail English. Brendon swallowed. "What about us?"

"Well, you tell me. Do we have something?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. He quirked an eyebrow, taking yet another bite of his apple. Through a mouth of food, he spoke. "I think so. I mean, I have feelings for you, Dallon. Do you wanna try out 'us'?" I swear, my heart leapt in my chest. I'd be able to claim him as mine, and only mine. Like a cat rubbing against their owner's hand. "I mean..kinda.." I admitted.

Brendon lit up. "Well, just think about it, Dallon." He whispered. A genuine smile found his lips. His eyes crinkled, triggering a smile on my own face. "We could cuddle..." He trailed off, and sat up on my lap, pressing himself closer. My heart sped up again, as if running a marathon. I stared at him with suspicious eyes, as he went on.

"And hold hands..." He slowly slid one hand into my open one, using his other hand to shove my composition book aside. He positioned himself in my lap, on his knees, between my legs. His face was level with my own.

"And kiss," He paused, our faces inches apart. His eyes flickered down to my lips, before he met my eyes again. Finally, he pressed forward for a rough kiss. A french kiss, if you will, the first open mouthed kiss I'd been given. I grunted softly, but returned it with a passion burning like fire. He pulled away, but kept our noses close, and our lips barely brushing each other. "...Whenever you'd want."

I let my eyes fall close, as I savored what his lips tasted like. Again, the faint watermelon taste, from the watermelon chapstick he seemed to enjoy using. I licked my lips slowly, yearning for more. He went on.

"And much, much more." He whispered. His free hand, which wasn't entangled in my own hand, slid over to my thigh. I got butterflies from the contact, my eyes fluttering open once more. Needless to say, I was sold. Especially with how he was massaging my thigh.

"Kiss me." I said abruptly. He didn't need to be told twice. He crashed his lips upon my own, once more, and the rest of the world was lost within in the night. All that mattered was Brendon. His lips moving with mine, his hands exploring my skin, places nobody else had been allowed to see.

Okay, I'll stop being vague as fuck about it. We had sex on the roof. I like to call it star sex. Don't ask, I'm a poetry kid. Brendon was mine, and I was his, and he'd shot me higher than the stars in the sky. Hence the name; star sex.


"Dallon." A voice trickled down my spine, and made me weak in the knees. Especially the huskiness of it. Brendon's morning voice was something to die for. I blinked my eyes open that morning with little awareness of my surroundings. Sure, I was aware of the warm quilt draped over my otherwise nude body, and I was easily aware of how I depended on Brendon's chest as a pillow. I was in his room, where we'd both passed out after a very exhausting activity. I grunted softly in reply. "Don't you have classes today?" He asked. My head shot off his chest as I sat up, cursing to myself. I was definitely late.

"Shit! Shit!" I chanted, throwing the blanket off to reveal both Brendon and I's naked bodies. I was a little uncomfortable with how much clothing I lacked, but my fear of missing a full class totally outweighed the embarrassment. I ducked down onto the floor, whilst Brendon just sat up on his elbows, peering over at me in a lack of interest, as I scrambled around to collect articles of clothing.

"Nice ass."

"Fuck off." I shot back, turning to face him as a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. What an arrogant asshole. Minus one point for the good boyfriend meter. I tugged his boxers on, a pair of my jeans, then messily threw my shirt on. However as I stumbled over to Brendon's mirror-accompanied dresser, I realized my slight limp. I huffed softly, determined not to let it show. When I glanced at Brendon over my shoulder, he only wiggled his eyebrows at me. At least his body was covered. I wasn't complaining about it not being covered, but..

I grabbed the comb from his dresser top, and raked it through my hair, in an attempt. Automatically, I cried out. "Fuck!" I hissed, as the comb caught on a tangle, and pulled at my hair, which only abused my already sore scalp.

"Was I too hard on you?" Brendon asked. I decided against replying cockily, as I carefully untangled the comb from my thick brown hair, and set it on his dresser again. I glanced at Brendon through the mirror. His face was laced with concern. I gave him a soft smile, and shrugged. My cheeks were already burning up in embarrassment. I quickly turned to greet him at the bed again.

"I'll be fine. I can take it." I promised. He returned the soft smile, as I leaned in to give his lips a quick kiss. "Good bye, Mr. Hollywood." I teased. He rolled his eyes, stifling a muffled whine. "Shut up." I grinned as I pulled away.

And as I left his apartment that day, I made sure to tear one of the magazine covers presenting him modeling from the wall. He was dressed in a camo jacket way too big for him, with a cigar hanging from his lips. It was hot.

Last First Kiss [Brallon+Completed]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu