14: Black Hollows Isn't Ugly

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Also needless to say, the English teacher was nothing short of angry with me for not only being significantly late, but for not having my poem done. He left me to sit in the back of the class, in so called shame. However, I wasn't ashamed. I was starting to find poetry stupid. I was starting to find school real stupid. It took away the time I wanted to spend with Brendon. So by the time astronomy was over, I was ecstatic to find Brendon waiting in the hall outside the class, a smirk resting on his lips. As I left the classroom, headed towards Brendon, a female sneered at me. "Go get your boyfriend, fag." I only rolled my eyes, as Brendon met me half way in the hall. He smirked at the chick, who quite purposely flaunted her behind towards him. It was Sarah, a pretty girl with dark hair and bright eyes.

"At least he can get a boyfriend." Brendon sneered at that. I smiled, as Sarah took offence from his comment, pouted, and took off in the opposite direction. Then, I turned to Brendon. He was digging in his pocket, and eventually fished out a toothpick, which he stuck in his mouth, and chewed on. I cocked my head to the side, rather curiously. "What's that for?"

"I have ADHD. Chewing on stuff and playing with things helps me focus." He admitted, plainly, and moved to rap an arm around my waist. I looked down at my feet, in embarrassment. I was getting stares, but I figured it was all because I was alongside Brendon, who was an ultimate hottie. "You didn't have to wait for me, you know." I commented. He stifled a soft chuckle, and gave my side a squeeze. I would've called him out on his teasing, but at least my limp had lessened, so he wasn't able to catch onto me for that.

"Yeah I did. Jon sent me a text, a threat." Brendon answered. He continued to chew on the toothpick, a lack of emotion on his face. I lead us down the sidewalk of the campus, past the first establishment of dorms. I already hated Jon with all of my being. What more did he want with me? I huffed, guiding Brendon past the second dorm establishment. The third was just a few yards off. Ryan was sitting on the steps, a cigarette propped from his lips at seemingly the perfect angle. He lit up when he saw Brendon, but his excitement dimmed as I came into view. Of course. Who would be excited to see me? I plastered a fake smile on my face as we approached the stairs.

"Hey, Brendon." Ryan awkwardly greeted. Brendon raised an eyebrow, and spoke around his toothpick. "Ryan." He greeted simply. Ryan's eyes, however, were glued to Brendon. He had a look of admiration. Automatically, jealousy filed into my blood. I acted upon the instinct, and leaned down to kiss Brendon's cheek. Then I turned to Ryan. "Hey, Ryan. Good day, isn't it?" He sourly watched as we stalked up the stairs, then muttered a muffled, "Yeah..brilliant."

As we started up the flight of stairs, Brendon looked over at me. I kept a monotonous expression, and looked straight forward. "Was that jealousy?" He asked, bluntly. Flustered, I shot him a confused expression. "What? No. Not at all." I lied. He only chuckled. We approached my door, and his face fell as he noticed the word emphazised on the door. "Jon?" He wondered. I nodded slowly, and shrugged it off. As we entered my dorm, he plopped down on the couch.

"How was class?" He asked. I shrugged, again. "English teacher still hates me, and astronomy is starting to get boring." I replied simply. I was depositing my stuff upon the counter in the corner of the small dorm, when I came across some of my own photography notes, from photography class. It triggered a question. I turned around with the notebook in my hands, to face Brendon.

"Why do you like photography?" I asked. Brendon had the magazine cover in his hands. The one I stole, to be specific. He turned it around to show me, then raised an eyebrow with a smirk. I blushed, moving to sit down beside him. "You looked cute, ok?" I defended myself. A soft chuckle. He scooted closer to me, pulling his feet onto the couch, to sit more comfortably.

"Cameras are the SD cards of our brains. Metaphorically. Photography is a way for me to capture the beauty in everything, and save the more important details." He admitted. I appreciated his amswer. The two of us fell silent. However, it was an eerie silence. Comfortable to Brendon, it seemed, but uncomfortable to me. I cleared my throat, gathering his attention again.

"Why'd you come to Black Hollows? It's a boring, dreary, ugly town." I insisted. He shot a glare in my direction. My bottom lip stuck out in a pout, at his cold expression. The warmth seemed to have diminished from his eyes. I was confused. It was just a question, but his entire demeanor snapped into the Brendon I'd come across when we met. Closed off, locked up, and cold. He pulled away from me, his lips strewn up in a frown.

"Black Hollows isn't ugly. You have to be observant, to find beauty. It takes fools a while to get the hang of the true affect photography has on you as a person." He stated, firm and clear. He was lazily loafing back on the couch, now. I wasn't sure whether to take offence from Brendon indirectly calling me a fool. After a few seconds of more uncomfortable silence, I spoke up again. "I'm not a fool.." I trailed off.

"Really? You were a fool to get friendly with Gerard." He shot back. My mouth fell open, in surprise. I'd thought we'd cleaned this problem up, already. However, now he was just smearing what was left all over the place, making the scene bigger than it needed to be.

"What the hell?" I muttered. While his tone of voice was sharp, and sour, mine was still soft, and laced with emotion. Like usual. I'm an emotional person. He gave me a look through those bronze eyes. Then, he got to his feet.

"I have to go. What I said was unnecessary, but don't prod into my past. We aren't that close yet. Sorry." He abruptly apologized, and walked out. The saddest part of the entire thing was how I let him walk out. My eyes were simply fixed on him as he walked out, his shoulders slumped. Any time I tried to learn about him, he would snap, and fall into this whirl of monotonous attitude, and what seemed to be regret. I sighed, leaning back, as I pulled my knees up onto the couch. Finally, I let my face fall into my knees, in frustration.

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