12: He Won't Get You

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Let me remind you how much I don't like parties. There's sweaty dancing, drunk people, and bad decisions everywhere. Thankfully classes today weren't too hard, but I wasn't too exciting for the party later tonight. Josh and Tyler seemed excited, but Spencer had to go to work, again, at The Slammer. Josh lead Tyler and I through the misty fields of campus, eventually dropping all of us off at the right dorm establishment: number two. 

"Did anybody think about how Brendon might not even show up?" I whined, suddenly. I abruptly stopped in the hallway, on the way down to the right dorm. It wasn't hard to find it, to be honest. Josh rolled his eyes, "It's a party, and Brendon's hot. He's gonna be here." He promised. I gave in. After all, there was no use in turning our plans around now.

"All you gotta do is choose a hot girl - or guy - and flirt. Make sure Brendon's aware of your attendance, though." Tyler directed. As soon as I stepped in the door, the two of them had disappeared. I was already uncomfortable in my environment. Sweaty people, drunk people, people making out...nasty. Still, I pushed my way through the crowd of people, sporting my brand new outfit. I was in search of Brendon.

When I saw him, I could've sworn my jaw hit the ground. He was dressed in an orange shirt with some school lettered across it, black jeans, and an orange snapback. He looked untouchable, yet obnoxious at the same time. God, would I had let him kiss me again. Just upon seeing him, all my anger bubbled away. But I stuck to the plan, promising I'd get back at him. He was alone, leaned back against the wall. He had a solo cup in one hand, and a bored expression on his face. The his bronze eyes clashed with my sky blue ones, and he lit up.

I turned the opposite direction, marching right away. I could tell he was prowling after me, but I didn't stop until somebody else stopped me. It was Gerard, Brendon's redheaded roommate. He looked over me with a smirk on his face. "You don't happen to be with Brendon, do you?" He asked. He was swaying, and his words were slurred together from the alcohol in his cup. This wasn't planned. "No."

"Ahh, he's missing out. You know, you're really hot.." Gerard giggled. Knowing Brendon was bound to be somewhere nearby, I simply played along to the situation. I faked a smile, reaching out to gently take Gerard's elbow. "You're not too bad looking yourself."

"Do ya wanna..get outta here?" He offered, eyebrows quirked. Alright. Enough playing. I opened my mouth to decline, but Gerard had a hand slipped onto my waist, and soon enough, he was touching my butt. I blinked a few times, my mouth falling shut. I shook his hand off, but he only pulled me closer, repeating the action.

"Actually, I think I ought to go," I insisted,l. Gerard gave my rear a smack, earning a yelp on my behalf. I went dark red, looking down at the shorter one. "Aww, no, Dal. Stay just for a little, will you?" He pleaded. I didn't answer, instead I scanned the crowd. I caught Brendon creeping up behind us, and grunted in relief. I wasn't sure if it was the panic evident in my eyes, or the look on my face, but Brendon got the memo.

Gerard tried to tug me away again, but Brendon appeared at my side less than a second later. He pushed Gerard's hand from my ass, replacing it with his own. I felt more comfort coming from Brendon than I did Gerard. I was okay with Brendon touching me, not strangers. "Gerard, I think not." Brendon snapped. Oh, how I missed his worn out, raspy voice. I kept my eyes on the ground.

"Brendon..oh.." Gerard mumbled. I pushed back into Brendon's arm, leaning away from Gerard. The two ha a silent exchange before Brendon tugged me away. I let him pull me away, through the crowd of people, until he pulled me out of the dorm.

Infact, I let him take me back to his place. Once there, he shut the door with force, causing me to jump. Then he turned on me. "What the hell?" He threw his hands in the air. Confused, I frowned. He angrily crossed his arms over his chest. "What?" I asked.

"Why the hell were you flirting with Gerard?" He asked, though he spoke slower, as if I was dumb. I'm not dumb. Although, he was surely making me feel like it. "Why would you care?" I shot back, defensively.

"Because I thought we had something!" His voice raised an octave, and he pushed past me to stand a few feet away, his hands pulling at his hair in frustration. I frowned. I was starting to feel guilty. "So did I, until you spilled my secrets around town." I retorted. His expression changed.

"Fuck, Dallon. I'm sorry, okay? I have a big mouth, and I was drunk with some of the college students, and it slipped out." He whined, turning to show himself again. My shoulders slumped in again.

"I did it to get at you. I wanted to get revenge. I knew you'd be angry if I flirt with somebody else. Although, we're not dating, so I don't know what the big deal is." I admitted. Brendon sighed, pursing his perfect lips again. Instead of answering me, he came forward, and reached up to grab my face, tugging my lips down to meet his. I melted almost instantly, yearning for more. But it was over too soon, and he was headed away from me.

"Goodnight, Dallon." I was confused by what he wanted me to do. I considered leaving, but it was too late. My lips tingled, as my stomach did flips. This kiss had been just as jittery as the first. My shoulders slumped in again as I looked around. My eyes found a painting on the wall, so I decided to study it for a few. Although, at the sound of footsteps, I turned, and the door was thrown open.


He was still drunk, but he was alone. So was I. He approached me at a brisk pace, and grabbed the front of my shirt. I wasn't ready to start a fight with him, so I simply stood there. Plus, he was shorter than I was. I could probably knock him aside as easy as I could a ragdoll, if I needed to. "Ahh, Dallon. I knew he'd bring you here." With that, he gave me a little shake.

"I'll get you one day, Dallon. Better watch your back, buddy." He warned. I tensed up, and shook him off. He smirked, turned, and messily found his way to the bathroom. I, on the other hand, took a separate path, and pushed Brendon's door open. He was lying stomach down on his bed, not covered in a blanket, and was cradling one of his pillows. He raised his head my way as I shut the door.

"Gerard threatened to 'get me' so naturally I came to you." I explained. At the mention of Gerard, he sent a ling, hard glare at the door. Then, he met me with a softer expression. "He won't get you. Here." He assured, then pat the bed beside him. I slipped over to him, crawling onto the bed, and falling down beside him.

I fell asleep the minute his hands draped over my waist.

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