18: Alcohol Poisoning

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[ a/n ; brendon uries pov until otherwise stated ]

"It'd probably be best if you took a seat." This was never a good sign. Doctors always told families to brace themselves before he fired the shots. Cliche things that happened every day, such as their family member being dead. But if it always happened, why was it considered cliche? If it was nearly unavoidable, why was it cliche? What, exactly, defined a cliche? Dallon couldn't be dead. He had a pulse, and he was breathing, the entire time I'd ridden in the ambulance with him, and his stress-laced best friend. We spent all night at the hospital, in the waiting room, refusing to leave.

Spencer had bags under his eyes, and was very, very quiet. I knew my own hair was messy from how I constantly ran my fingers through it, in frustration. It was all my fault. If I hadn't been such a dick about my past, towards Dallon, he wouldn't have gotten bummed out, as Spencer explained to me. God, I deserved to be slapped again. I swallowed, hard, and looked up at the doctor. Spencer, who'd hopped up the moment the door opened, slowly sat down beside me. He gave me a monotonous attempted expression, but I could see the fear, and pain, that influenced every inch of his features. Another wave of guilt ran over me.

"Dallon suffered a heart attack." My heart dropped, automatically. Spencer nodded slowly. I shot him a confused glance, but didn't say anything. My knee was bouncing nervously. "I knew that. Is he okay?" Spencer asked, as if reading my mind. I didn't question how he knew Dallon had suffered a heart attack. Were heart attacks vital? God, I hoped Dallon would be okay. I already missed him, and the way he would smile at me whenever I simply looked at him. I missed his bigger hand still managing to clasp perfectly in mine. Here I was, saying these things after only a day of dating. In my defense, the day I lay my eyes on him, I knew he was next. How could he not? He was a beautiful, trusting specimen, and I'd taken that for granted.

"He's okay. As far as we know. Are you two aware of any drinking problem he may have?" The doctor asked. He adjusted his clipboard, and readied his pencil above said clipboard. Again, a wave of guilt washed over me. "Well, about a week ago, he got really wasted. I didn't think too much of it, why?" Spencer admitted. His lip had started to quiver. I felt incredibly bad for him. After all, as far as I knew, Dallon and Spencer were best friends.

"What was he like before the heart attack, after he drank?" Spencer paused, swallowing slowly. He opened his mouth to answer, before he entirely broke down, in a mess of tears. I sighed sympathetically, and reached over to rub his back. Then I took over, since he was clearly too shaken up to answer.

"He was terribly sick. He would throw up a lot, constantly thirsty, and his breathing was off. He complained about chest pains too, at one point, before he had the heart attack." I explained, slowly. It took a lot of my own strength not to break down too. Sure, they'd said he was okay. As far as they know. What if he became not okay later on? I was scared. Horrified.

"Aha, just as we guessed. What you explained are symptoms of alcohol poisoning. While untreated, it can be life-threatening, as you saw." The doctor explained. I groaned, and buried my face into my hands. Only then did I realize a tear had escaped my eye. I wiped it away, and sniffled, determined not to cry. Spencer's sobbing turned to wailing, distressed, broken wailing.

"We pumped his stomach, and gave him some medicine and such. We're hydrating him, feeding him, and anything else we can do. Currently, he's still unconscious. We'll notify you when you can see him, okay?" The doctor promised. I looked up at him, realizing he, too, was teary eyed. I inhaled heavily, and cocked my head to the side.

"I lost my son to alcohol poisoning. I understand your attachment, and the pain." He explained. I sighed, and buried my face into my hands again, releasing a loud, stressed cry.

"I'm so sorry, Spencer." I choked out. I didn't get an answer.

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