22: You Left Me Alone

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[ a/n ; finally back to dallons pov until otherwise stated ]

The moment I opened my eyes, weight was applied to my body. My stomach felt unusually empty, and was really sore for a reason unknown to me, so it didn't help when a human was piled on top of me. I wasn't aware of anything, but the steady beeping told me I was in a hospital, but why?

"Dallon, oh my God, you're awake. Can I kiss you? Please? Oh, how I've missed the taste of your lips." I knew right away by the raspy, tired voice, and the hands pressing themselves to my sides, that Brendon had thrown himself on top of me. He was closely flanked by Spencer, Tyler, and Josh, who all overwhelmed me in a hug when their turn came. Then Brendon came back for another hug, hungrily eyeing my lips. I felt uncomfortable with him doing so, especially with how confused, and overwhelmed I was. Why was I in the hospital? My bones were stiff, and it bothered me.

"No, please. Let me catch a breath." I whispered in reply, shooting Brendon down. His smile left his face, as he slid back off the hospital bed. I sighed in relief as the weight was released. Spencer glared at Brendon; it was easy to noice a tension between the two of them. So nothing had changed, right?

"Why am I here? In the h-hospital?" I asked, my voice rather croaky after a lack of use. Spencer kept his mouth glued shut, as did Brendon. In fact, the two of them looked horrible. Spencer had bags under his eyes, and what seemed to be a permanent frown fixed on his lips. Brendon seemed to be trying his hardest to keep his eyes open, while his hair looked like he'd just escaped a trip through a washing, and drying machine.

"You suffered a heart attack. You know the night you got wasted? You caught alcohol poisoning." Josh explained. As usual, Tyler was shadowing him, stuck to his side. One arm linked with Josh's. A heart attack? Alcohol poisoning? It was all coming back to me. I sat up on my elbows, releasing a frustrates groan.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have drank so much." I apologized. I raised my arms into the air as I stretched. Brendon huffed, and shook his head. "It's not your fault, Dallon," He insisted. I opened my eyes after a long yawn, shooting Brendon a look. I awaited his answered.

"It's Spencer's fault, for allowing you to drink so much. He was there while you were drinking." Brendon accused, pointing a finger in Spencer's direction. Spencer sharply glared at Brendon, as I did so too. Though it was really my fault for not being more mature, I wasn't gonna let him just blame Spencer.

"Actually, BRENDON, if it's anybody's fault, it's yours!" Spencer jeered. Tyler and Josh, clearly uncomfortable in the situation, moved to take their own seats on the other side of the room. Once over there, Josh gave Tyler a reassuring kiss. Dating? How long was I out? I jumped to Spencer's defense.

"How's it MY fault?" Brendon exclaimed, his voice an octave higher.

"If you wouldn't have been such a dick to me, and wouldn't have been so imsensitive when you walked out..Brendon, my biggests fear is being alone, or abandoned, yet you left me alone." I explained, my voice growing softer. Every word I said felt wrong, since it was entirely my fault for thinking drinking my problems away would be okay. But I wanted to protect Spencer. Brendon glared at Spencer, who was quite smug, before desperately glancing at me.

"Dallon.." He said my name softly. Unlike the last time he'd said my name like this, which had been cold, this time it held warmth, and yearning. I dissed them both, and turned my head away. Brendon ended up leaving.

"What about my classes? When can I go back to my dorm?" I asked, aloud. Spencer cocked his head to the side; and shrugged. "Your classes are already taken care of. You get another week off to recover mentally, and they won't drop your grade if you make up all your work over said week. I'm not sure when you'll be able to go home, though."


Thanks to three weeks of abandonment, my dorm was looking pretty rough when I entered. Never, was I gonna drink alcohol. Not when the risks of alcohol abuse were so likely. Instead, I'd drink water. Water's healthy.

I plopped down on my dorm couch, a ragged sigh leaving my lips. Then a knock sounded at my door. I released a loud groan, "Come innnnn." I insisted. A few seconds later, my neighbor at 322 walked in. He curiously peered around my oddly-clean dorm, before focusing on me. Ryan closed the door, and took cautious steps towards me.

"You took a beating." He observed. I snorted sarcastically, and shot him a look. "I hadn't noticed." He pursed his lips, clearly not finding any humor in my sarcasm. Eh, I didn't live to please him anyways.

"Where's Brendon?" He asked, abruptly. My eyes hardened. Whether I was mad at him or not, Brendon was mine. I raised an eyebrow at the scruffy haired boy, and sat up.

"Where my boyfriend is doesn't concern you." I snapped, just barely biting back the edge in my tone. Ryan looked over me with distaste, and smirked. "I'm surprised he'd be interested in you. I would think, if your parents didn't care about you, nobody else did, either." He mocked. I shot up from the couch, pointing at the door.

"Get out! Now!" I howled. Ryan shrugged, and slammed the door. Just as I was about to sit down, my phone went off. I released a long groan. I'd gotten out of the hospital today, after having woken up yesterday. Now everybody was back to getting on my nerves. I dug the phone out of my pocket, discovering it to be Brendon. I answered it.


"I'm here, Brendon."

"Can I make it up to you?"

"Make what up to me?"

"What I did wrong..."

"Brendon, it wasn't entirely your fault. I overreacted." I tried to assure him. I sat down on the couch again. I heard a sigh, then a soft chuckle.

"Too late, I had this planned out for a while. Swing by my house tomorrow at 6pm. Go to my bedroom, and look on my bed." He insisted. Before I could refuse, he hung up. I sighed long and heavily, before shrugging it off. If Brendon was gonna try and please me, then I'd let him.

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