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"No" I single tear ran down my face.
He looked suprized. But then spoke.

"Bring her to me." The guards suddenly hual me up. I did no service to them and just hung like dead weight as they dragged me forward. 

"You wouldn't want to disrespect your king like that." His breath smelled like rotten meat.

"You, are no king to me," My voice was raspy and sounded like the old men who always seemed to have cigars near by. 

"Is that so. Well then." He smiles and signals a guard to do somthing. He quickly disappears and then reappears with Amalia. She fighting his grip but she is weak. Her eyes a changing colors rapidly, until they turned grey. Suddenly the guard holding her began cough and wezz. He fell to the floor lifeless, while the king looked upon the scene. He didn't move, he didn't speak. He seemed, scared.

I used what strength I had left and slowly I got to my feet. There stood Amalia, with blue eyes, like the day I met her. They quickly flashed red and somehow she manged to melt the cuffs off her hands.

"How, how did you do that. I though these cuffs prevented us from using magic?" My brain was swimming with questions. Amalia didn't answer, I turn back to the king, but he too was amazed by her actions.

Out of nowhere Luke and Cameron come barreling in saying we had to go and that the guards where coming, I look back at the king and for the first time I realised he wasn't dazed, he was dead.

Luke, Cameron, Amalia, and I all ran as fast as we could out of the castle. Luke lead us through narrow passage ways and out through a door ment for servants and maids. Once we reached the market place just outside the castle we used the dense crowd to hide ourselves from unwanted attention.

Amalia changed her eye color to brown and Luke handed me a pair of strange plastic things that he said would make my eyes look brown. They were difficult to put in my eye but once they were on my vision went blurry and I lost the group.

I didn't know where to go. Back to the safe house, back to the camp. I felt like a lost child. Suddenly I heard a scream just ahead of me and the crowd suddenly opened a large circle around the sound. A woman with bright blue eyes had been stabbed by someone in the crowd. Her leg was bleeding badly, but I knew if I could find Luke fast enough, he could help her.

But it was no use, Luke was nowhere to be seen and woman laid there on the ground as people of the crowd start laughing at her. I wanted to kill all of them, make them feel the pain she was going through. Hated boiled within me, watching a crowd of people laugh at a poor woman. Suddenly I had an idea.....

Water rushed from everywhere filing the market square, the water was rising fast. Faster than I had imagined. People started to scream out in terror for nobody knew how to swim. I locate Luke and Cameron and create a air bubble for them so they could reach the top. Amilia had already found herself on a piece of wood from one of the shops. I watched my destruction from my perch made of water. It was all so, Maddening. Everywhere people where dying, calling for help, but no help would come today.

Making sure that my friends where out of the water I decided to try something new. I focused on a small puddle of water in the palm of my hand, the puddle froze over. I drop the small frozen puddle into the water, and it begins to freeze.

Slowly the water turns into solid ice trapping everything and everyone within its frozen trap. Below my feet there was a snapshot in time, people screaming guards charging towards me. I lookup to see all of my friends standing on the ice, staring in awe, as if they were children at the magic show. Amilia is the first to approach me her eyes still brown from earlier.

"How did you do that?" I couldn't give her an answer because I didn't have one.

"I don't know, I mean, I was mad then I got this idea, then the water came rushing." I must had been panicking because Amilia grabbed me by the shoulders and stared me in the eyes.

"Hey, you're okay, we are okay. What you did was amazing." Her voice was gentle, she releases my shoulders and we both look around for the others. Cameron and Luke were both walking towards me, when we meet we decided we should go to the safe house to get Jason and Jackson. When Cameron piped in.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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