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We snuck through the woods, careful not to step on sticks or rustle any leaves as to give away our location. We made it to the centre of the camp woods when I heard Amalia struggling.
"Are you okay?" I whispered. Her hair had gotten tangled on a branch and wouldn't come loose.
" I'll figure it out you two keep going." She replied, I hesitated but eventually nodded. I knew she would get out. We took a few steps and then I heard it. A sound worse than anything you could imagine.
I looked back. Good news, Amalia had gotten un-stuck. Bad news, she had snapped the branch. I heard heavy footsteps from behind us. Amalia's face paled, (or it was paler than usual, if that's possible,) and we ran as fast as we could through the trees. Cameron leading and pushing the trees away, Amalia at the back making barriers out of them.
"I'm sorry," Amalia said, " I didn't mean to its all my fault I didn't mean to lead them right to us, we were almost out." Her eyes flashed red and sparks shot from her fingers. I knew I had to calm her down, she couldn't control her powers when she got upset.
"Amalia," I said calmly, "you need to relax or this whole place is going to go up in flames." She just stared at me.
"This is my fault, just like what happened to my family." A tear fell down her cheek and she fell to her knees. Around her, a ring of fire, and it was spreading fast. I doused out the flames and grabbed her hand, it was hot and I pulled away.
"Come on, you have to come with us." I urged her, despite how I originally thought about her, we were friends now and we needed her.
"I can't." She said. "You and Cameron go, I'll distract them."
"No Amalia we need you" my eyes were beginning to water.
"Go!" She said, and Cameron pulled me away.
"Come on Maria, she'll be fine." He whispered as he pulled me away. Just as we got out of the clearing, a seeker came out of the other side and advanced on Amalia. His black mask covered his face, and all you could see were his shining brown eyes. He had dark hair and muscles bigger than my head. He grabbed Amalia and pulled her up, I could see him smiling by the way his eyes crinkled, Amalia spat in his face and he dropped her. She tried to get up and run, but it was to late, she was surrounded. The last thing I saw before Cameron pulled me away was Amalia unconscious, and a seeker carrying her away.

It had been three days since Cameron and I escaped from camp, and still no news from Amalia. I couldn't sleep, I could hardly eat. And I was always at the one window we had. I had told Amalia the location of the safe house in case she needed it, so I waited by the window day in and day out, waiting for her to appear. Cameron brought me a glass of water and set it down next to me, I could see how worried he was, but I ignored it and kept looking. When he left, I picked up the glass. It slipped out of my hand and spilled on the cold stone floor. I was about to clean it up when I saw it moving on its own, it was forming words.
I'm okay

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