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We headed down the steep winding trail through the woods, well it wasn't really a trail, more like the way we go so we can't be seen. I heard a rustle in the bushes beside me.
"Who's there?" I asked, a little (a lot) forcefully. Out of the bushes came a girl with wavy hair like fire and crystal blue eyes, freckles dotted her pale face and scratches covered her arms.
"Who are you." She asked, it was more of a statement than a question really.
"I'm Maria and this is Luke." I said.
"Amalia." She replied.
"You wanna come with us?" Of course he had to ask, but before I could oppose she replied.
"Sure, I'd love to have some company. I've been alone since my family was killed a couple years ago. We all had blue eyes, stupid reason to kill someone in my opinion, my little brother was only six. I managed to escape and I've been out here ever since." I nodded and we started back down the path, soon we arrived.

"Your room is here," I said, pointing to a small tent. "Leave your stuff and follow me, it's almost dinner. I don't care that I was being harsh, although I did feel sorry for her, her life isn't the only one that's not perfect.

We headed towards one of the small fires that was constructed nearby. I handed her some bread and an apple with some water.
"Eat, we leave in the morning." I looked her and noticed how her eyes had miraculously changed to a deep greyish blue, like a storm waiting to destroy everything in its path.
"Well, I'm gonna head to bed. Want to be awake nice and early tomorrow." She turned and left the campfire and towards her tent. I watched her and before she reached her tent she looked around to make sure she wasn't being watched before pulling something out of her pocket, I didn't see what it was but she was acting very suspicious, and I was going to find out why.

When 3 Brains CombineWhere stories live. Discover now