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Crying was a familiar felling to me. For the 10 years that I hadn't had Luke with me, I had to cry myself to sleep every night and I guess some people don't grow out of it.

I went on a walk to find Luke. It had been a while since I saw him last and I was wondering if he had discovered his powers. I walked down the dirt path to the vibrant woodland area were I last saw Luke. As I came near the entrance I heard somthing behind me.

I whipped my head around to find my best friend creeping in the grass like a grasshopper waiting to pounce. I pretend not to see him and act like a child playing hide and seek, until he lurches out of the bushes and nearly tackles me. He's smiling, I couldn't help but to smile to. He also seems exited like the first time he killed a squirrel with his new bow.

He invites me inside the woodland camp and he's shaking his so exited he is going to explode if he had to wait any longer. He leads me to a tree-root shelter and sit in the middle of the floor and holds his hands out. He drops 4 seeds on the ground and he closes his eyes, a vine starts to grow and branches off to become and part of the structure of the shelter. He looks at me with I smile on his face and a sparkle in his eye.

We exit his shelter and we head towards the path. I couldn't help to notice the smile on Luke face, I hadn't seen him smile this much since; ever. We go back to the house I was staying at then brought Luke to the waters edge.

He gazed at the water in awe. Both he and I had never could even imagine so much water, and I have the power to control it all along. I start small and make a medium ripple in the water. His eyes widen and looks at me almost begging for me to do it again. Next I try a wave which was quite successful.

Luke was grinning from ear to ear, I gave me a happy feeling like the feeling I got the first time I met Luke.
Suddenly the water rose above the water to illustrate the memory. We were both in awe as the water gracefully flowed to recreate a memory that was racing through mind.

And I stop here.

When 3 Brains CombineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon