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I knew i should have never trusted my father. the moment we arrived we had magic absorbing cuffs cuffed to our wrists and we were forced down into the dungeons. "you really thought that i was like you?" my 'father' laughed at us as he slammed the cell door shut. "oh the pay that i will get out of this from the king" my father laughed as he walked up the wooden stairs with a thump,thump,thump. I flipped him off as his back was turned to me, making sure the guard watching us saw. "now now girly i wouldn't be doing that if i were you he snarled at me." i smirked at him and walked to the back of the cell where he couldn't reach me unless he entered the cell. Amalia just sat on the 'bed' awkwardly as i stared the guard in the eye not breaking eye contact until he growled and walked away. "don't do that" Amalia told me. "and why not?" i questioned her raising an eyebrow. "because we are in here with cuffs on our wrists preventing us from using magic and they can have us killed at any time they want." she told me clearly scared. "i don't need magic to fight I'm sure on of these cuffs would hurt quite bad if the got hit with them over the head" i told her trying to reassure her. She still seemed scared "fine i won't taunt them to much" i rolled my eyes. that seemed to make her feel a little bit better. "if they don't go to collect the others because it is just us they really need but If Luke Cameron and Jason don't come i will try and find someway of getting a message to them" i told her. she nodded "ok" she told me meekly. i started thinking up a plan of escape to get out of here as fast as possible but for that i needed to get theses cuffs off me. i inspected the cuffs. the were made out of some sort of silver and seemed to pulse with magic. I tried concentrating my magic on breaking the cuffs but every time i tried it felt like i was being drained of energy. i had been in this dungeon before but i had never had these cuffs on but maybe if i could get some sort of message to Luke and Cameron they could come to our rescue the same way i escaped execution. Suddenly i heard heavy footsteps descending down the wooden stairs and coming towards our cell. "thats her all right she's the one i needed" it was the king with his big red cape and double chin and ugly balding head he pointed to me as he spoke. "you there come with me" the guard shouted pointing at me and opening the cell. i could have killed them both before but now i was so drained of energy i could barely walk. the guard shoved me towards the stairs and i began to climb them back up to the inside of the palace.

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