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so many questions were racing through my head after my brief conversation with Jackson and Cameron. what is the rest of the world actually like? why do they wish to bring back the medieval ways? whats going on in the world that they need kingdoms again? Why does the king hate coloured eyes? but most of all what can i do to take the king down? i would need more people on my side who want to take the king down. I decided to go talk to Cameron see if i could get him on my side and if he could get others to join. so i headed out to the dark cave which was the black eyed area and found Cameron sitting reading a book. He had obviously sobered up from when i had last seen him. "hey Cameron can i talk to you for a second?" i asked him. "yeah what do you want to talk about?" he questions me setting his book down and looking at me. so i told him what i wanted to do. "but i need your help because i know very little people here but there must be some people who want to over throw the king" i summed it up. "you are right there are people who want to over throw the king but they will need a leader and a strong one" he said looking at me expectedly. "no no no i am not a leader can't you lead them?" i asked him. "no i can't they are more likely to listen to you" he told me. i took a deep breath "fine i will lead them to war, now take me to these people we need to talk strategies and escape this camp as soon as we can." i told him standing up. "Lets go then" he took my arm leading me to a part of camp i had never seen. "good thing you came and talked to me today we were going to meet so let's go" he told me as we ducked under a branch of a tree. "Here we are" he gestured to the surroundings.
___________________________im going to leave this here.

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