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I woke in the middle of the night with a nightmare. My mind was racing with questions, the biggest one was why does King Hunter 45 hate blue eyed people? Why does this camp exist? What was the thing that the girl had? We're was everyone else? I couldn't turn my brain off.

I turned over to face Luke, he was sleeping soundly. His sharp jawline was relaxed and strong body was softly laid down on the thin mattress.
His brown hair was clean and combed for the first time in forever and his hands were no longer covered in in soot and his burns were visable.

Morning came after what seemed like a decade, but early the next morning I was awake before the sun made it over the horizon, Luke, was up not long after. Out of habit Luke already had his bow on hand and was looking for squirrels to hunt.

I let him go hunt, I mean we have to pull our own weight and since Luke has never missed he makes a good hunter.

Amilia came by not long later. Asking how we slept, asking where Luke went. I told her where he went and she left. I went back into the tent to take a look at what we had left for supplies. I found not much but some extra clothing and some dried meat and a knife that Luke made, so enough to last us a week.

Luke came back with three squirrels and a fat rabbit. They all had arrow wounds in their eye, the best place to shoot so you can keep the furs. I go to start a fire and grabbed the knife to begin preparing them to roast and then dry. Like me Luke seemed to have a lot on his mind, so asked him,

"How did you sleep last night?"

"It took me a while to fall asleep but after that I slept fine, how about you"

I want to be honest with him, but I know if I told him he would want to know more I reply with " Good, but the Amilia chick is a little strange.

Luke smiles; my heart sink, cause he knows that it's not the truth. He turns and looks at me, as if his stare is enough for me to crack. Oh, wait it is.

"I had a strange dream last night" I say which wasn't a complete lie.

"What was it about"

"I was standing in a ring of ice, but I wasn't cold, you were there too." I quickly added, "you were covered in thick vines"

"Was that it?"

" No, someone else was with us, but I didn't know him."

He looked at me with a puzzled look then shock his head. We got the fire started the meat drying. Amalia came by for yet another vist this time she invited us to meet the others of the camp.

She took us down a burnt portion of the woodland to meet a group of twenty-five people. All of them were friendly and we'll fed. But the one thing I noticed that they all had in common was they all had red eyes. Their eye were so brilliant that at first glance it looked like a small fire burning inside their eyes.

Next we traveled down and very green and well grown woodland area. Luke seemed to be relaxed and even bushed his hand along the trees and the bushes. Again deep inside the woodland we found a group of twenty-five people, expect instead of red eyes, they had green eyes like Luke.

An older gentlemen, whom looked quite a lot like Luke rose, he walked past the rows and rows of plants that other people were tending to crops, and greeted Luke with a hand shake and a pat on the back. Saying nothing to amalia. I stood awkwardly in the corner while other looked at Luke with awe.

Amalia nudged me to leave and turned around to say goodbye to my friend whom I have known for six years. He never looked up and I had to move on, I would see him again; I knew it. And we headed up the path to a large structure which confused me a little.

She explained that it was a temple and she lead me inside but didn't walk any further the door. Confused I continued down the narrow hallway into a a large room with five people in it. They all had bright blue eyes, not like Amlias but brighter.

I'm done for now.

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