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I watched Luke leave and soon I was alone. I stood for what seemed like hours until Amalia came over to me. She looked at my face and I'm pretty sure she saw my sadness, even though I tried putting on a brave face. I don't know how she does it. A few hours ago, (It think) I saw her crying. Now she was just as strong and stubborn as she always was.
"How?" I asked. "How do you do it, you feel all this pain and sadness, and then later, you're fine." She looked at me, glaring at first, but eventually, she broke. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a thin silver chain with a ring on it. The ring was weathered and had a beautiful silver band that was in a braided pattern, one piece of the braid was covered in sapphires as blue as the sea. Engraved on the inside was Amalia's name, along with Adam, Mom, and Dad.
"This is the last thing I have of them." She said, a tear now slowly running down her cheek. "I was forced to watch them suffer, my family was tortured an killed in front of me. I escaped only minutes before it would have been my turn. They killed them because of me, it's my fault they're dead." 
"I'm so sorry," I said, "I never knew." She wiped her face and returned to the strong person I met in the forest that day. "Look it's getting dark we should probably head back." She nodded and we returned to her house. As we entered, Katherine was setting the table for dinner. We ate and watched the sun set over the horizon, before heading to our rooms.
I had trouble sleeping that night, I lay awake for hours. Suddenly I heard footsteps out side the door and going towards the front door. I silently peeked out of my room and saw Amalia noiselessly opening the door and closing it behind her. I snuck out after her and followed her to the lake, where I hid behind a bush. She looked around before stretching out her hand and closing her eyes. The water started to play out a scene.
A small girl, no older than 9 was walking alone through a thick forrest. She was crying and in her hand was a ring. She placed it on a chain and around her neck before a boy jumped out from the trees.
"What's your name?" He said.
"Amalia, and you?"
"Luke." He said "You can come with me if you like." Amalia nodded. He reached out his hand and she took it, and they walked off through the trees.

When 3 Brains CombineWhere stories live. Discover now