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Luke and i wandered about the camp looking at all the different sections of people and there eyes. we passed people with purple, yellow, gold and grey eyes. i was amazed by how different each section was. the grey eyes section had big houses and library's all around but the yellow eyes people had small houses pushed off to one side and the a huge field where there was little children running about. these children were like super fast to. the purple eyed section had houses pushed to one sides but had training arenas with super muscular people training with swords, daggers, spears any type of hand held weapon. the people with gold eyes had smaller houses than most and i figured out they must be where all the precious metals come from as i watched a boy my age pull silver from the ground without digging. "Wow i never thought that there would be this many different eye colours" Luke exclaims as we walk passed the obsidian eyes heading back towards my section. "And just think Luke if we can get a couple of these people to join us we could take down all the kings and-" "no Maria they are happy here if the kings don't bother them or us then why can't we just leave them alone and live here. Maria we have family, proper family here" Luke tells me showing me around. "But Luke what will happen if the kings do find this sanctuary then what then where will they go where will we go Luke? i need to do this Luke i have had enough with the kings pushing us around and i am sure others here are to. I am going to take down the kings one at a time with your help or not" i looked at him expectantly but all he did was shake his head "i can't I'm sorry Maria" he turns and walks away.

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