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I search for Luke in the thick wood but I never found him. Confused I try my best to follow Amilia to see if I could see him from there but, I instead I found somthing much stranger.

Nothing, I found nothing, nothing but empty wood. No Luke and no other green eyed people around. Just Amalia and I. So, how the hell is she moving the trees? I was so deep in thought that I didn't relies I branch laying in my way and stepped on to it.

It snapped and Amilia's whole body jumped. She spun in a circle looking for the source of the sound when my eyes met hers and I knew somthing was wrong.

First of all her eyes were green. Not blue, green. From my knowledge it's not normal for people to be able to change their eye color. Her eyes turn a brilliant red and the woods go up in flames. She runs laughing like the soldiers before they cut off you head.

I drew water from the ground making the flames hiss as they died and ran after her. At this point I have know idea where I am, or how to get back. All I know is somthing is going on with Amalia and I'm going to figure it out.

From somewhere within the wood I can hear Amalia panting, her footsteps becoming heavy, then all of a sudden that stop. I nearly tripped over her as she was on her knees panting. I don't think she heard coming because she jumped when I was no more than three feet from her.

"Please" was all she had to say. And too be honest I had no idea why.

"How?" All the words I wanted to say were locked in my head, but I could tell that she understood. Amalia sighed, and began to tell her story.

She explained that there are four different types of element control. There was the average person who could manipulate but not create. There are people who can create but they only have one element. The ones who can control multiple elements,and those who can give and take the power.

"How?" I ask again, "How do they give and take power?"

"Just like any other power, they just, do it." She seems just as confused as I was.

"How do you do it?" I ask, "The whole changing eye color?" She looked as if she didn't expect my question, but she shrugged her shoulders and kept her mouth sealed shut.

Instead her eyes went blue and she tried to draw water from somewhere.
Unsuccessful her eyes change again this time the red. She holds out her hand and a firey memory dances across her hand. It paints a image of a little girl being comforted by a much older boy. She takes his hand and a image shoots of her hand and into the woods lighting some of the trees.

She jumps for she didn't mean to light the wood again. I draw water again  from the earth and drown the flames before they got out of hand.

"How did you do that?" She asked me.

"Do what?" I didn't understand, isn't she able to do that?

"You created water" She explained, "very few people can do that."

I was confused because earlier she was talking about people who could create their element. I believe she saw my confusion because she began to explain that being able to create water is super rare and seekers come from around the world to find them.

Next person now.

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