Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Tell me why we shouldn't kill you now"

My brain was so addled I barely understand the words. Groaning I lift my gaze to meet her fierce eyes glaring at me. I blinked a few times to clear the haze away. I tried to stand but found my hands bound and locked to the floor. I groaned and stared back down at the ground.

"Where do you think you are going? Answer me now!" She grabbed my hair and thrust my head back exposing my throat. I felt a cool blade press against the tender flesh. I hissed in pain as it sliced into me. A dribble of blood pooled and slowly trickled down my neck.

"What... are you... talking about?" I croaked. My throat was dry and raw. I needed water. I needed to get out of here.

The woman grabbed my closed hand and forced it open. "This! Tell me about this mark on your hand!" My eyes open wide inalarm. Studying my hand, I found a bright green light. It pulsed with energy shooting pain through my whole body. I groaned with pain and slumped to the floor. I clutched my hand to my chest.

The woman backed away from me as the waves of pain flowed across my body. "Everyone at the Conclave is dead! Only you and one other survived. Explain this!" She hissed at me. she grabbed my hand and thrust it into my face. The bright glow from my hands caused me to squint.

"I can't explain this" I said in disbelief. "I have no idea what's going on." She threw my arm down and it cracked against the cobblestone ground. I winced and drew it back close to my chest. I hugged it hoping it would make the pain go away.

The woman walked away and paced frustratedly.

I tried once again to crawl away from the woman standing before me. She turned to look at me when she heard me shuffling. She looked at me and disgust and sneered.

"What do you mean you don't know! You are lying! Guards!"

I glared back at the woman. "This is all got to be in my head or something because I don't know what is going on or who you are or what I am doing here." Please just untie me and maybe I'll wake up from this strange dream." I said pleadingly.

as I finished speaking four men surrounded me and pointed their long swords at me threateningly.

They inched closer unsure of the woman's command

I glared back at the woman, "look wouldn't I have told you by now if I actually knew something." "Please just wake up. This is all just a strange dream" I murmured to myself.

It was the wrong thing to say. She whipped out her sword and yelled. She swung her arm back to strike! I smashed my eyelids shut not wanting to see the blade bringing its swift end to my life.

"Stop Cassandra! We need her!" A new voice interrupted. I heard the clang of metal against metal

I looked up to see the second woman standing in between me and Cassandra. Her dagger easily blocking the long sword.

"Please, Let me go! I haven't done anything!" I squeaked out. My confidence in getting out of this situation alive was dwindling.

The new woman turned around and knelt down so she was eye level. "The conclave was destroyed, can you tell us anything youremember? It may help prove your innocence." Her voice was sweet, almost caring. I didn't trust it.

I blinked a few times, "The Conclave? Destroyed?" I moaned and rapidly blinked my eyes. This was sounding vaguely familiar almost as if it was a memory from some other place. I shook my head. No, That doesn't sound right.

I continued, "Its all so hazy. I can't... quite remember" I looked into her eyes. "I... remember a bright light, running, pain. Something wasn't right, and I heard a... woman? She was reaching out to me. I can't remember what she looked like... and then nothing. I was here."

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