The Last Dinner

732 19 47

Reyna's POV

The plan went to shit almost instantly. The door that had been open slammed shut with a loud bang. I wasn't the slightest bit surprised when I turned around to see Lydia standing in front of the entrance and exit.

"Good plan," she smiled. "I have to say you're all far more intelligent than I gave you credit for."

I didn't know what to say because all I could think about was everyone we'd left behind. I wanted to know if they were okay; if they were alive, but if Lydia was here I got the feeling that hoping things were okay was pointless.

"What happened to the others?" Jason demanded being the first of us to speak.

"They're being taken care of. I can assure you they you'll be reunited with them shortly but that's only if you surrender now." Lydia scanned the room and her eyes narrowed slightly like a hawk gazing at its prey.

"That's bullshit," Nico shook his head. "How many of them did you kill? And don't lie because I can sense it."

"There were a few survivors." Lydia looked at her nails seeming bored. "They turned themselves over. I have to say I wasn't expecting them to come so easily but I guess when you get rid of everything they love there isn't much of a choice is there?"

"You're one bat shit crazy ass lady," Atticus crossed his arms. "Listen here little girl I don't like people like you. So how about I give you the same option. Turn yourself in and we have no problems."

I had to admit I was pretty surprised by Atticus' forwardness and his willingness to take the offensive.

"Charming old man. But that's not going to happen. Those of you who are smart enough to surrender by all means go ahead. Those of you who refuse get to die." Lydia glanced around the group once more seeming to search for anyone's slight hesitation or fear. I needed to figure something out.

If things were as bad as she said there was literally no point in resisting but I knew deep down that turning ourselves in could be as bad as dying.

"What do you want with all of us?" I asked, trying to seem unaffected by her ultimatum.

"That's for me to decide," she shrugged. "If you're wondering about yourself I have plans for you."

Jason shot me a sideways glance but I couldn't exactly read his expression. "Do we have a choice? A moment to converse?"

"I don't see why you would need to. But if it's to say your last words fine. You have a minute. Not a second more." Lydia turned her back to us but I got the feeling she was still watching us somehow.

Jason waved me over and I felt the urge to walk quietly. Like I had a reason to sneak. Shaking my head I simply made my way towards him.

"What?" I whispered.

"Turn yourself in," Jason replied.

"What? Why?" I couldn't help but sound a bit offended.

"Listen, she won't hurt you. At least not yet. Look, the only way for her to establish the ultimate authority is to get rid of you. She has to end your life in front of everyone," Jason explained.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I asked.

"No. This whole time I couldn't wrap my head around why in the world she would focus so hard on building a new coliseum. It seemed to be just for the sport but it isn't. It's part of her endgame. You're her endgame Reyna. You and Frank, but she'll start with you. You're the priority." Jason glanced at Lydia and I knew we were running short on time. "She'll challenge you in front of everyone. Make a bargain with her."

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