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Reyna's POV

I had no idea how it happened. One moment Frank and I were sitting next to each other talking to one of the people involved with the chaotic brawl and the next moment everything was black.

Nothing seemed to want to work. My eyes couldn't focus on anything when I opened them. My pulse pounded in unison with my aching head. My ears rang painfully as I struggled to grasp what was going on. All I could see were frantic blurry figures and the vibrant colors of fire.

Frank. Where was Frank? Grunting I tried to sit up but nearly blacked out all over again. Pushing through the pain of it I managed to sit up and look around. My vision steadied somewhat but I still had trouble seeing.

"Frank?" My voice was weak and raspy. No one would have been able to hear it. Cursing, I struggled to my feet only to feel a flare of pain shoot up my leg. Biting my lip hard enough to draw blood I kept from crying out.

"Oh gods you're okay." Frank came into view pushing past a group of panicked people.

"What happened?" I asked, ignoring the odd sort of numbness that replaced the pain.

"I don't know. There was an explosion. Another bomb I'm guessing." Frank shook his head and it became clear to me that he was as disoriented as I was.

"The people. How are they?" I asked.

"It's a mess," Frank explained. He seemed to be on the verge of having a break down himself.

"Okay. Give me a moment and I'll help." He nodded and took a deep breath. Little by little my vision came back and I was finally able to study my surroundings appropriately.

There was fire swallowing up anything it could. Smoke clogged the air with nauseous fumes. People were yelling and cursing while some nursed injuries.

"Get them quiet for me, please." My voice was still oddly quiet and it seemed I couldn't raise it more than at least a talking level.

"Everyone calm down! Get away from the fire and listen!" Only a few stopped at his words, the other majority were to frantic to hear let alone notice.

Glowering, Frank shifted into a tiger and roared as loud as he could. It echoed off of what remained of the collapsed walls. Slowly, everyone turned to face him as he changed back. "Listen up!"

"Right now everyone needs to stay calm. Running and panicking isn't going to solve anything. Set aside whatever differences you have." I studied their faces and any anger that had been previously directed to one another was gone. "Our first priority is figuring a way to put out that fire."

A murmur passed through the throng of people. A few shouted ideas were shot down almost immediately. There was no water to use, nothing.

"We need something to suffocate the fire, almost like too much oxygen for it to handle," Frank mumbled.

"I don't think anyone has those kinds of powers," a civilian replied.

"Thalia." I winced, feeling my leg flare up with pain again. Frank looked at me confused. "If we can find a way for her to get in here she can help. It's a long shot-"

"But if it works then she can help us get out." Frank nodded. "Scratch that! Priority one is finding a way in or out of here. Quickly, let's go!"

Everyone scrambled to all corners of the crumbled building examining every inch of its remains in hopes of finding a small body sized hole. Frank and I made our way to where the doors had been. Now there was nothing but a caved in mess. Grunting, he grabbed a large chunk of marble and pushed it away. Part of a column jutted out at an odd angle almost like a cork plugging a hole.

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