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Reyna's POV

August was a spastic ball of energy the entire time. He didn't stop talking even despite the fact that you couldn't hear him over the roar of the wind as the motorcycle raced on.

Then there was the mechanical horse racing by us. I had to admit, I was a little surprised when it'd sprang to life. It had gears and cables running beneath its metal plating with an engine of sorts pumping like a heart between chunks of its metal hide.

August elected sitting on the front of the horse so he could be a knight in shining armor. Thus he and Emma sat on the mechanical animal racing along next to the rest of us.

At one point Frank shifted into a dog and let his tongue hang out of his mouth in the wind. I didn't know who we would be meeting next or what they would be like but things were starting to come together.

Our next destination was somewhere in Colorado. At this time of year it would be warmer there. not as bitter and frozen like it would be in the winter. Still the nearer we got the more frigid the air became. Not necessarily cold but cool.

In the distance once crossing the state line a good ways you could see the impressive and formidable structures of the mountains. Bart pointed up ahead silently indicating we were headed towards them according to the flashing dot on his GPS.

Time seemed to pass slowly despite our incredible speed. Then Bart decided to give me an anxiety induced heart attack as he recklessly navigated up the mountains on his motorbike. Thankfully he had off-road tires. Pushing a button I glanced at the front tire which suddenly had little holes opening up in its surface with small pin like spikes jutting out to grip the ground.

It was bumpy and nearly nauseating but we made it towards the top where it flattened out a small bit. At first I was confused as to why we had stopped until I noticed the rocky face of the peak in front of us. If you looked closely your eyes would adjust to notice that carved into the side of the mountain was a doorway, a few windows, and steps.

"Talk about staying away from civilization," Anthony whistled, getting off the back of the bike.

"My butt hurts!" August whined, slipping off of the horse and digging a wedgie out of his pants.

"Same," Frank winced, taking a few awkward steps.

"I'm assuming we just walk on in," Bart shrugged, taking the lead. From here it looked like his muscular frame wouldn't fit through the carved doorway but he managed to squeeze inside.  August ran after him eagerly. Anthony shrugged and went third followed by Frank.

"I don't have a good feeling about this." Emma stood observing the exterior with narrowed eyes.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked, trying to see it from an analytical point of view.

"Someone told me you can tell a lot about a person by the way their house looks." Emma glanced at me, her features softening.

"What?" I asked catching her glance.

"You're young. So eager to...learn. There aren't a lot of people like you anymore," Emma smiled, walking towards the entrance. I followed not far behind.

As soon as you stepped inside the temperature seemed to drop ten degrees. There wasn't a single ounce of light except for thin sporadic rays that came in through crude cut windows. It looked as if the entire place had been chiseled out by hand.

A stair case branched to the left leading downwards while another led upwards and to the right. In the center of the room was a table with a golden centerpiece. Nothing more and nothing less.

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