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Reyna's POV

I had absolutely no idea how long I had been out. When I awoke it was sudden and all at once. The kind where you gasp as if you've been holding your breath for ages.

"She's awake!" Frank's voice. Immediately I studied where I was and what was going on.I was in a room. It was small but I was in a bed with sheets tucked up around me sort of like a burial shroud. There was a low ceiling with one small slat for a window. It seemed to be hand built with personal details complimenting the appearance.

"Thank the Gods." Anthony's face hovered over me followed by Frank's. "How do you feel?"

"Like I died," I admitted. There seemed to be a constant throbbing throughout my body deep in my bones as if they were still vibrating from the fall. "What happened?"

"We searched for you for two days. Marc left you for dead bug we managed to get you out of the ravine and went to the next nearest address. We're in Washington I believe." Frank looked at Anthony for confirmation. Anthony nodded.

"Let's just say it involved stealing more than one car and an emergency hospital visit on your part just to heal the milder injuries." With Anthony and Frank's assistance I managed to sit up but that odd ache in my bones still there.

"Oh, she's awake." A gruff raspy voice rumbled. I glanced up expectantly taking in the appearance of a tall muscular man whose head nearly brushed the ceiling. His shoulders were large and wide. He practically filled in the entire door space.

He was very different from Anthony having dark tan skin and deep brown eyes with like flecks of orange like a glowing hearth. He was somehow both older and younger than Anthony. His muscular form indicated he was still in his youth but the silver colored hair pulled back in a thick tie and dreadlocks indicated he was much older than what you observed .

"Who are you?" I asked squinting which somehow allowed me to see better.

"The name is Bart. Bart Hopkins." His voice was loud and thundered through the room like he was used to talking over people. "I believe I was seven praetors before you."

"Something like that. Two before me," Anthony smiled, earning a hearty chuckled from Bart.

"Right. Well. I hope you've made a good recovery." Bart fidgeted with his hands as if he couldn't stand not having something to fiddle with.

"Thank you for whatever help you provided I smiled lightly and turned to Frank asking him a silent question.

"He agreed to help. Rather quickly actually," Frank grinned. "He said he's gotten bored."

"Besides, I've made a lot of toys that I haven't been able to put to use." Bart's eyes gleamed brightly at the idea of getting to use whatever was in his arsenal.

"If you're well enough I suggest we move, clearly we can't stay in one spot for too long," Anthony suggested. Standing it was almost comical how polar opposite the two men were. Anthony was , pale, blond, with well groomed beard, silver eyes, and slender build. Bart was, large and sturdy with a sort of ruggedness to him. His dark skin
and grey hair contrasted greatly with his smaller counterpart.

"I believe I'll be alright." Frank helped me to my feet and they all took a moment allowing me to get my bearings.

"I'm rather impressed you survived little miss. Fractured pelvis, six broken ribs, concussion, broken collar bone, the works." Bart rested his hands on his hips.

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