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Thalia's POV

"Even Jason's name is on it," Reyna noted pointing to where my brother's name was in the third spot from the top.

I didn't know what to say. I mean what was there to say? It's not everyday you find some weirdo's hit list. What were you supposed to do?

"Stay close to me from now on." Instinctively, I grabbed her hand.

"Thalia don't be ridiculous this is just..." I could tell Reyna was trying to brush it off like it wasn't a big deal, maybe for her sake more than mine. "A joke."

"A joke? Please tell me you haven't forgotten everything that's just happened?" My tone was maybe a bit too sharp but in all honesty I was scared. Neither of us knew what to make of the list.

"No I haven't. And if you'll excuse me I have an entire senate house full of people to talk to." Reyna frowned turning to leave.

"You and Frank need to stay separated." I warned, attempting to follow her.

"I know." Was her curt reply.

"And I'd-" Reyna turned to face me and cut me off.

"Thalia! Believe m,e I know. My brain is going at about a million miles an hour right now. I know you're trying to help and it's greatly appreciated but you need to stay out of this." She glanced over her shoulder as if someone was watching.

"What? No." I shook my head, about to argue when she spoke before I could reply.

"The less you know and the less you do the better it is for both of us. Look at what happened today. You and Hazel are targets by association." Reyna rested her hands on my shoulders. "I'm gonna figure this out but you have to promise me you won't do anything irrational. I need you to tell me you won't get involved."

Every part of me wanted to argue. I had half a mind to do so. The look in her eyes and the expression on her face was the only thing that stopped me from protesting. It was a quiet plea. She'd never directly beg, not with words. Sometimes her strongest communication was a simple look. She couldn't handle it if I got in the way and something happened to me. She'd blame it on herself.

"Fine, I promise." The words shouldn't have been hard to say except for the fact that it was the biggest lie I'd ever told.

"Thank you," Reyna smiled.

"You're welcome. What are you going to do in the meantime?" I asked.

"I'll fix the temple," She decided. "And after that I'll figure out what to do with everyone in the senate building."

"Hey, I know it's probably a bad idea and counter intuitive based on what the pillar said but maybe I can get Jason to help," I suggested. "Or your sister and I know for a fact that Zoë and the other hungered would love to interrogate a bunch of men."

Reyna laughed lightly. "If you could do that I'd be the happiest person ever."

"Then consider it done." Reyna smiled and was about to kiss me when she paused.

"I'd kiss you if it weren't for your busted lip," she pouted.

"Go for it. It'll hurt but it'll be worth it." Reyna rolled her eyes and kissed me gently. It stung more than I expected. "Ow."

"Baby," she teased but I could see a little bit of guilt in her eyes.

"I'll live," I smiled fighting back a wince as the wound re opened.

" I know cause you're super girl remember?" Reyna winked.

"And you're Wonder Woman," I replied. "I'll see you back home later tonight, right?"

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