Puppet Hands

771 23 52

Thalia's POV

The sound of the door creaking open like the jaw of a lion coming to consume its prey woke me. All I recalled was darkness with no recollection of how long I'd been unconscious. My eyelids felt heavy and I only managed to open them with great effort.

I was chained just like before but this time I was hunched over on my knees arms still spread painfully apart. Lydia's eyes glinted in the dark with the dangerous sheen of a wolf. A killer.

I didn't say anything. What was there to say? I adjusted my gaze and simply stared at the ground even if I could vaguely depict it.

"Your friends could use your help." Lydia's voice echoed off the walls. Again I didn't say anything. "They're effective in small spurts but they can't do any real damage."

Sucking in a sharp painful breath was my only response. The sound of her footsteps scuffing against the stone was the only way I knew she was moving. The dark was too thick, it was unnerving. I was used to being able to see the enemy.

"Why so quiet?" She asked, her voice low, passive somehow. Not seeing her face you would have thought she was being sincere in her question. I raised my head slightly to see her standing in front of me. The light only revealed her lower half her face still hidden. "Are you scared?"

Closing my eyes I turned my head staring off into the dark. Something inside of me had shifted but I didn't know exactly what it was. It was almost like I didn't care anymore. I'd already turned to ice but somehow I was colder than before.

"Another week and all of your friends will be dead." I could imagine the smile on her face and it would have made my blood boil but for some reason it didn't. "Still waiting for your knight in shining armor to return?"

This caught my attention. There was something about the way she spoke that presented a hint that things were about to become a whole lot worse for me. "What did you do to her?"

"Nothing yet but I can assure you she'll be easy to find. Marc and his elite party are already on their scent. You know the smell of fear is strong." Lydia squatted down in front of me. "I wonder if you'll be able to feel her death."

In a flash I moved unable to control my sudden rage. There was just enough slack in the chains to do as I desired. In less than a few seconds she was pulled into my grasp my arm wrapped tightly around her neck. She had the audacity to laugh.

"My, my." Her words were raspy as oxygen was unable to reach her lungs. The more she spoke the quicker she'd be dead. "You don't have the guts to do it. Come...on. Do-it."

I wanted to. It would be easy. Just a bit more and she'd be slumped over unconscious and if I held on even after that she'd be gone. There would be no more issues. I had the power to end her tirade then and there. For a brief moment I tightened my hold on her. I could feel her fear despite her trying to hide it.

"You're right. Fear is a strong scent." Loosening my hold I let her go. She was right. I couldn't kill her. No matter how strong my urge to do it was my brain refused to let me complete such a task.

I wasn't going to lie. The sound of her gasping for air was very pleasing. The fact that she was vulnerable made me smile. I watched her crawl to her feet, her expression hidden in the dark once more though I would have given anything to see it.

There was a flash of movement from her and my cheek exploded in pain. It was followed up quickly by a kick to the side and an onslaught of punches and kicks. If I could have I would have curled up in a ball to protect myself but I was like a pig hanging from chains, meat free to tenderize.

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