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Reyna's POV

I woke up to the light shift of weight in the bed and of course the sound of someone falling on the floor. A string of curses that could have come from a sailor's mouth soon followed.

"Thalia?" I asked groggily sitting up.

"Well shit," She muttered, scrambling to her feet. "You aren't supposed to be awake yet."

"Well I'm up now." I laughed lightly. "You're leaving already?"

"Yeah," She sighed.

"Thought you'd sneak away huh?" I asked knowingly.

"Yep. Because whenever you're awake you make me late," She winked.

"I do not." Arguing, I threw a pillow at her. She laughed and rolled her eyes.

"You do and you know it," She snorted, tossing it back. "Now the quicker I get ready the sooner I can spend the last little bit with you."

"Fine, but you better turn into the flash," I remarked playfully.

"Sure thing let me just get stuck in some weird ass science experiment. I'll get back to you on whether it works or not," She replied sarcastically before leaving me alone snuggled up under the blankets of my bed.

Sighing I pulled the covers over my head and closed my eyes yet again. I lost track of time before I felt Thalia flop down next to me.

"Scoot over," She pleaded, nudging me.

"No. You woke me up early. I get more room," I decided. Thalia wrapped her arms around me and rested her chin on my shoulder.

"Please?" She asked.

"Fine." Grudgingly moving over I peeled out over the top of the covers. She smiled and nestled under the covers. "How long are you going to be gone this time?"

"We're actually going to be pretty close to camp so maybe only a day. I should be back tomorrow night if things go well," Thalia explained.

"Good. I hate the long trips you take." I couldn't help but pout as I laced her fingers with mine.

"Yeah I know," She sighed. "But it's part of the deal. Artemis let me age up a year or two so we can be the same age and she gave you immortality. Only because she likes you. In return you have to let me go on adventures with them because I'm technically still lieutenant."

"I know but it still sucks," I whined.

"Yeah well you love me so you have to deal with it," Thalia smirked, squishing my cheeks together.

"How charming." Rolling my eyes I took her hands away and quickly kissed her on the lips.

"You should sleep," Thalia reminded. "Today is the big day. Elections finally start. Or at least the campaign process."

"Ew don't remind me. Everyone is so fake and stupid it's disgusting. Half of them don't know anything about politics. Every year more people get elected and they can't even hold a pencil right-" Thalia cut me off with a gentle kiss. "Is that your way of telling me to shut up?"

"Yes before you start venting in Spanish," Thalia laughed.

"Sorry. If you couldn't tell, I'm not enthused," I sighed.

"It's alright." Thalia peeked out from the covers at the clock and groaned. "Ugh I have to go."

"Already?" I asked sitting up and glancing at it to see for myself. Sure enough it was time for her to leave. She made a move to stand but I pulled her back down.

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