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Thalia's POV

"What do you mean they caught one of the groups?" I demanded.

"Not sure but Hylla said they didn't make it out," Jason stammered, anxiety clear in his voice.

"Shit! Do they know where we are?" I asked trying to keep my voice low so that the others crammed into the secret chamber didn't over hear.

"If anything they haven't found out yet but they'll be here soon without a doubt. We gotta move," Jason decided.

"Where? Where do we go? They'll have all of the sewers searched." Everything had happened so smoothly, we'd gotten as many citizens out as we possibly could, about fifty or so stayed behind for the sake of rebelling. Only now were things beginning to fall apart. After suspecting something odd was going on security had been upped in the damaged district of the city. Malia and Zuri's group of escapees had vanished and never made it out of New Rome. It could only mean one thing. They'd been caught or worse.

"There's only one option. We quit hiding and see if we can fight back or take a section of the ruined district as our own," Jason proposed.

"And we have he man power to do that?" I asked. He seemed doubtful but insisted it was the best option. "Fine, tell them. They'll be eager for vengeance anyways."

Jason nodded and jogged over to where Henry was and relaid the idea to him. The two boys then began to converse with the group of well trained men and women who'd decided to stay behind. Even from where I stood which was a decent ways away they were all in consensus. It was about time to push back. Not only had Lydia and her forces destroyed their homes, but they'd taken family members too.

A few of the rebels we recruited had managed to gather information from friends. Lydia and her friends Alistair and Marc were taking citizens they confiscated from their homes and hiding them away. No one knew what happened but apparently they had yet to come back. What was worse, it'd also been discovered that the rubble and demolished houses were to be cleared to build a replica of coliseum. Why? Who knew. All I understood was that in a coliseum people died.

"First order of business is getting out of here before they get down here," Jason instructed. "If we don't, we'll be like rats in a maze."

"Agreed. Grab only what you need," Henry agreed, picking up his daughter. "I'm not sure what to do with her. I can't carry her into a battle."

Jason frowned in thought. It was problematic bringing a child into the mess. "I-I don't know. She can't stay here alone."

"Jase," I called. He glanced up at the sound of his nick name. "You can stay here with her. I'll come back and get you when things settle."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Positive." He contemplated my words for a minute before agreeing.

"Thank you," Henry sighed in relief, patting Jason on the shoulder.

"Don't mention it," Jason smiled. With that Henry left his daughter with Jason and went to help organize the others.

"Stay safe Thals," Jason worried, giving me a one armed hug.

"I plan on it." He chuckled and shook his head turning his attention to the child. "Everybody ready?"

"Yes." They said in a collective response.

"Good. We have some ass kicking to do." Henry smiled excitedly and motioned for me to take the lead. Sighing, I set off down one of the tunnels I'd learned connected to the ruined district of the town.

It was a rather long walk but everyone remained quiet. Not a single sound would give us away. The tension was thick. Everyone was ready to fight. They had been for awhile. While our forces were small they had much more training than a majority of Lydia's.

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