The Chase and The Fall

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Reyna's POV

"Reyna come on!" Frank yelled staring outside with wide eyes. "We have to go."

It wasn't that I didn't hear him, it wasn't that I didn't recognize the threat that had arrived sooner than expected, what it really was, was the images that had so briefly flashed through my head.

It had happened unexpectedly and randomly as I was collecting the mugs from the table to rinse in the sink while Anthony packed his belongings. One second I was staring at the kitchen the next I was bombarded by noise. Yelling and cheering.

There was blood. Someone was lying on the ground with a sword embedded in their stomach. There was Thalia clawing her way through the dirt to aid whoever had fallen despite the armored men trying to drag her away.

My hands trembled and one of the mugs slipped shattering on the floor. Frank had yelled in what I thought was surprise at the mug clashing with the floor but it was instead a cry of warning.

The person, a girl, was being dragged off with a bloody trail being left in the dirt. A female guard pulled the sword from the victim's chest and for a moment my heart seemed to stop. I recognized who it was. Who was dead. "No."

"Reyna!" Frank grabbed my arm snapping me out of the trance like state I'd been in. "They're here. Mrs. O'Leary disappeared."

"Right." I nodded but my throat felt dry . Swallowing hard I pushed aside the grief.

"We take the back entrance. Into the woods," Anthony directed, having heard the commotion and emerged from his room with a hiker's back pack swung over his shoulders.

"We can't split up," Frank argued, as Anthony pushed past us and unlocked the back door.

"It's our only option. I will find you. Scatter. Run and don't stop until you are certain they aren't chasing you. If you can hide don't come out unless you hear the code word meaning it's safe." Anthony held the door open and glanced outside just as a loud bang sounded on the front door.

"What word is that?" Frank asked.

"Butterscotch." Anthony shrugged before giving a quiet whistle. Aes crept around the side of the house. "Aes will go with you Zhang. Now go! Run."

Frank nodded and shifted into a wolf sprinting off into the tree line. I went next running as fast as possible. I could hear Anthony's panicked breathing and his footsteps pounding into the ground. Argentum flashed ahead disappearing into the trees.

For a split second I thought they hadn't noticed us but my hopes were dashed instantly as an arrow planted itself into the ground inches in front of me. Glancing over my shoulder I saw a dozen people, elite centuries with well decorated armor and Marc smiling devilishly.

The chase was on. I saw Frank dart to the left scampering in between trees and leaping over rocks. Anthony made a straight shot climbing quickly over a mountain of boulders. Sucking in a sharp breath I shot to the right.

The trees flashed by in a blur of green and brown. Eyes fixated on the ground I did my best to keep my momentum going. Branches slashed into my arms and cheeks as I ran. Panting, I was forced between wading through the river or heading back towards Anthony's direction.

Both were horrible options. My ears picked up on the noise of shouting coming from behind me. Setting my jaw I sprinted leaping into the water trying to get as much distance as possible. The water was cold and numbing. It soaked through my praetor's cape weighing it down.

"Just like a sitting duck!" I heard the whistling of the arrow but had no time to react. It plunged into my shoulder just as my foot caught onto a rock. The water was over my head in an instant. I didn't hesitate to push myself to my feet and struggle on. The river bank was nearly within reach.

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