All For One

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Thalia's POV

There was no indication that the fighting would start again. It seemed like things were at a permanent stand still but I didn't mind. It was oddly peaceful.

For the first time in all of this I could sense a weakness to Lydia's drive and perseverance. Part of me suspected that she never assumed one of them could die. She certainly didn't expect Hylla to be the one that ended Marc's life. If anything she expected it to be me, Reyna, or Frank.

Now I wondered if she was second guessing herself. Perhaps she was recovering for a final all out push. I tried to wrap my head around all the possibilities of what could happen but there was no way to know for sure. It was anyone's game.

"You were fighting Alistair earlier," Reyna noted, breaking the silence and my train of thought.

"Yeah. It was pointless. Neither one of us got the upper hand," I explained. "If I really wanted to I could've obliterated him."

"I know." Reyna gave my hand a gentle squeeze. "You know a part of me wonders why this all happened."

"I don't think there's any reason for it. Some people just want to watch the world burn," I shrugged.

"Maybe but I think this was destined to happen. Anthony said I was supposed to be the savior of Rome." Reyna's voice indicated that she was lost in thought.

"Reyna, you would have saved Rome whether it was written beforehand or not." She would always save her home no matter what. Hell, she'd helped save the world when it wasn't even her quest.

"True enough," she laughed. "Come on, we should see how the others are doing."

"You go ahead if you want. I kind of just want to stay here." Reyna stood slowly and gave me a questioning look. "I just...want some time to myself I guess. I need to think about things."

Reyna grabbed my hands and tugged me to my feet. "Fine. But don't avoid people because you're afraid they won't like you. Whatever you did they'll understand."

"They know I killed Gwen and I was kind of an asshole. I was gonna quit Rey. Just like Hylla," I admitted. I didn't want to deal with the others and their judgment.

"But you didn't. You came back even when you didn't know I was alive. Give yourself more credit babe." Reyna paused apparently realizing what she'd just said. I'd always told her I wasn't one for pet names. "Sorry."

" It's okay. I kind of like it " I shrugged. She raised an eyebrow at me as if I were lying to her. "I'm serious. I don't mind."

"I thought you hated pet names and endearing terms," Reyna mused.

"Consider it a change of heart," I smiled, kissing her lightly.

"You guys gonna sulk in the dark forever or come hang out with the rest of us?" Nico asked raising his eyebrows and crossing his arms.

"What makes you think I wanna see your face?" I asked. Nico rolled his eyes and flipped me off. Our relationship consisted of insults but it was just how we showed each other affection.

"Come on. Let's not be strangers." Reyna took my hand and dragged me to where the others were crowded around a trash fire. I was surprised that we hadn't been interrupted at some point by the cops or authorities but I guess the mist was working extra hard.

"Hey." Anthony waved from where he was squeezed between Bart and Jeremiah.

"Hey," I greeted, sitting down and observing the group. Everyone seemed to be in surprisingly happy spirits. Not a single person looked down in the dumps or upset.

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